Hey again, in A Day in the Life of Me

  • Dec. 20, 2016, 2:31 a.m.
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Know it’s been a bit, life’s been a bit hectic, as it is around this time of year when one works not on, but 2 retail jobs.
I am (sorta ) ready for xmas.
emotionally, I am not 100% sure, but presents/gift wise I am. Gonna do baking for moms basket tomorrow as I have the day off (Gasp! i know right!? in the final day before the holidays i am OFF!!)
Haven’t really been commenting, but I’ve been keeping up on all my favs here and reading all your entries, ya all seem to be well which makes me happy.
I don’t really have much to write, but just wanted ya all to know I’m still here.

My big xmas party with my uncles got canned due to weather saturday night, I was a bit upset over it as I so needed a night out, but as the night went on, and I saw how bad it was getting it was a good call on their part.
Last night was our work get together, few good laughs and such.
work was brutally slow today at both locations. I wasn’t ment to be at #2 but J popped over in the morning while I was at job 1 asking if i could do a few hrs tonight, so, like a sucker I did lol.

that’s it really… see boring… lol

Bomb Shell December 22, 2016

Glad to hear you're doing ok. I know what you mean about not being emotionally ready for Christmas, I've hardly done anything gift wise, just the bare minimum. It's going to be hard for me and you both :o(

Canadian Lass Bomb Shell ⋅ December 23, 2016

yea, I managed to get everything done, somehow. I think i'm more worried about mom then myself.

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