Change is Happening.... in Plan B

  • Sept. 14, 2016, 10:50 p.m.
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So much is going on and have been so busy that is hard for me to get everything in all at once. Well. I am going to try.
Tomorrow I get my eyes done. It’s been over 2 years and their ready. Now that my new job entails looking at 2 computer screens and up to 43 patients rooms my eyes are a lot busier. Also with the new position comes a drop off in all benefits…PTO, 401 K ect. But I get a substantial increase in cash which is what I really need right now. I want to pay off my 2 credit cards and build my credit score up. I need to get a head financially and I can’t on what I am making. I can also quit my second job and pick up an extra shift when season hits and get over time. It will happen. It always does. One other good deal. I am in a permanent position of PRN. I will work Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. I will be on cameras. So I won’t be called off. My boss texted me last Friday and asked why I wasn’t in camera’s. I told the Nurse Super put me where they needed me. She got back to me later and said No. This is your schedule and this is how it is. I almost cried with joy. It is kind of like she is setting me up for retirement. The health insurance I’m not too worried about since I am on Obama but I am worried about disability. I am going to call H.R. tomorrow and see about that.That is why I am getting my eye balls done. Only a $10 copay.
My new position is nice. No more running up and down the hall ways and dealing with people. I sit in a room and just watch patients try not to kill themselves. There ya go.
Finally my life is going where it should be. When I take a deep breath it doesn’t shake anymore. Hard to believe I have been at the hospital almost a year. Wow. Time flies.
I can finally get myself together and go back to finding my authentic self again without so much worry. Just sit tight and hang on.
I am still doing the pharmacy thing too. Next month I am going to go to a seminar for live C.E.’s so that is good. I don’t want to loose that. Ever.
Typed forever. Least it’s good this time. Yea. Now for some cookies and almond milk. Peace In and Out

Ferret Mom September 15, 2016

I'm hlad work is getting easier. You need that.

Ragdolls September 21, 2016

All of your hard work is starting to pay off. YAY!!!

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