Fifteen Years ago in Talk Story

  • Sept. 11, 2016, 12:36 p.m.
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I was still living on the island of Maui… scheduled to fly to the mainland in a few hours… my phone rang… it was my oldest daughter calling me from California…

“Dad… I don’t think that you are going anywhere today… please turn on your t/v”…

So like millions of others… I watched the incredible destruction and loss of life when the planes slammed into the twin towers…

Hours later when I went outside… the thing I noticed first… was that there were not any planes in the air… a very eerie feeling… as that is the only way to both get to Hawaii… and go from island to island…

Living on Maui… one is very much aware of the events of Pearl harbor during the month of December, 1941… and because of that… the emotional impact was even greater… because we didn’t know what else would transpire that day…

Well the rest is history…

Aloha oe…

TruNorth September 11, 2016

I was attending a company meeting at the Manoir Richelieu located in the northern reaches of the province of Quebec, near the Saguenay River. There was one rather small TV set located in the bar, and we heard the news (in French) around noon. The meeting stopped but nobody could get out. We were miles away from anywhere. We stayed at the hotel just wandering around for about 4 days. Then we were able to charter some buses to drive us down to Montreal, where we waited to get on planes home. I remember wondering if this was the beginning of a world war - we weren't getting much news from the French TV station - just endless loops of pictures of the planes crashing into the buildings.

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ September 11, 2016

Yes... a feeling of loss and confusion...!

Lady of the Bann September 11, 2016

Is it really that long ago. With the time difference it was lunchtime here and Jonny called me at work. He started Uni the next week,afraid of what the world may become.

Maui Jim Lady of the Bann ⋅ September 11, 2016

I think that most of us were afraid...

ConnieK September 11, 2016

9/11 was our Pearl Harbor. I was getting ready for work. I recall rejoicing when weeks later I heard the first airplane in the sky. I claimed it as a victory over evil.

Maui Jim ConnieK ⋅ September 11, 2016

Yes... perfect...!

middle age pearl September 11, 2016

That was the first time in my life that I didn't feel safe. That day and many days after, I couldn't help but glance at a window or watch for things out of the norm. Goodness knows NOTHING was in the norm. My parents, especially wanted me to come home immediately. Then they thought I should take a few days off. In my mind, to do that, may have made me feel a little safer, but it also meant the enemy had won.

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ September 11, 2016

Like with the attack on Pearl harbor... normalcy went out the window on 9/11... (sigh)

aunty EM September 11, 2016

Shock. Fear. Confusion. The pilot of the Pennsylvania plane lived just a few blocks from us. The mayhem was hundreds of miles away, but way to close to home.

Maui Jim aunty EM ⋅ September 12, 2016

Yes... the enormity of it all was mind boggling...

🌻StillJustMe🌸 September 12, 2016

ODSago September 13, 2016

I went for a walk and then worked in my flower garden for hours afterward. I found out about the attacks long after everyone else did. That produced an interior and irrational confusion, as to how I could have been doing those enjoyable things and having a wonderful day when such infamy took place. I'll never forget that event. Later I read each memorial article for each person killed in the twin towers. A private, gentle acknowledgement in my life of their value and of our loss of that person, their loss of life...etc.

Maui Jim ODSago ⋅ September 14, 2016

Thank you for sharing this with me...

dream seeker September 15, 2016

When I taught about the day this year, I shared a picture where they were discussing that Air Force 1 was the only plane in the air, then I showed a video clip that I received in a NASA training that showed a mock up of how many planes were in the air at any given moment. Such an amazing thought. No planes....

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ September 16, 2016

Yes... a real dose of reality...! (sigh)

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