Twitter: Stupid Mind in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Aug. 26, 2016, 9:24 p.m.
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First; if you read one entry of mine today. PLEASE make it THIS one.

That being said… my mind is stupid right now. It wants me to do two things, and it wants me to do two things very badly. THING 1: Have a whiskey. It is all about that. Doing the great temptation dance, “There’s the opportunity for escape from this place. Drink to celebrate the opportunity.” And I think back NO. Because an opportunity is meaningless without movement. So if I drank today, it would not be The Drink of Old; it would remain The Drink of Now and I’d keep drinking until I reached a state of inebriation that would allow me to tolerate this place. THING 2: Write time travel entries. Whether about myself or the world, whether about fiction or factual… it keeps saying “explore the past, travel into the past with your mind. Pretend, for a moment, that you might be able to repair everything and remove those stains from history.”

Neither thing is good for me. Both things would merely act as temporary, unproductive escapes. I don’t need temporary nor do I need unproductive. I need an ACTUAL escape from here. And a desperate prayer that next time… wherever that is, whenever that is… that next time (might be the leap home) will be better.

Deleted user August 26, 2016

Write time travel entries! Anything creative is never a waste of time . I challenge you. You write one and I will too :-) Besides you can still be contemplating how to get out of there. If you are drunk , yu accomplish nothing :-)

Firebabe August 27, 2016

Not trying to get you drunk or anything, but sometimes alcohol can push your brain to hithertofore unknown levels of creativity. For example, my Uncle Randy once got drunk during Thanksgiving, and figured out how to fix his kayak with a wad of rubber bands and a hand torch. Don't take for granted that MacGyver was always sober is all I'm saying.

Although sounds like you've got some strategizing to accomplish if you plan on going for that other job. So perhaps a rain check on the firewater for now. Double down on the time-travel entries instead, and go from there.

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