TerseDay in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Aug. 18, 2016, 3:52 p.m.
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Ha… play on words.

My sleeping last night was all off. Went to bed around 11, fell asleep around midnight, woke up at 3, then woke up at 5, then woke up at 6, then woke up at 7… all… stupid. So after 7, I got out of bed… zombie shuffled around the house… and gave serious consideration to going back to bed and telling work I’d be in when I felt like it. Ultimately wound up not doing that. Instead, I grabbed Convenience Store Coffee and Soda and went in to work.
First thing: returned a bunch of e-mails. Mostly about cases and case work that should be getting done… when I figure out how to do it. That in itself is a Catch 22. Thank goodness this county doesn’t give a shit, so I can struggle through crap without the pressure of DO IT NOW NOW NOW NOW. But the other side of that is… this county doesn’t give a shit, so I have no idea how to do it and have to try to figure it out on my own.
To that end… another big ol’ middle finger to this county not having a computerized Case Management System. Something like that would have templates (so I wouldn’t need to reinvent the wheel every new case); and it keeps track of all cases and deadlines (an important job when there are over 100 cases to keep track of). So… I’m going to try to alphabetize my cases. Yeah, I know, organize is all I do at work anymore which is going to bite me right on the ass when I actually need to prove I DO something here… but seriously… it is tricky keeping track of all of these cases and I need to figure out some way to do it that works.

And here I sit; as the vacuums and special needs adults cavort in the hallway. Almost missed a phone call they were so loud. MORE mental health due to drug abuse issues. One of the eight “Number One Hits” around here. If I had to come up with a list.
(1) Drugs give me something to do
(2) Alcohol the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems
(3) I’d rather get high than be a good parent
(4) You can’t get blood from a turnip
(5) Drug Induced Psychosis and Me
(6) No jobs, No Therapists, More Problems
(7) I don’t have to watch my kids, it’s a free country
(8) Freedom means never having to follow the law

Yeah. That sounds about right. That would be the 8 biggest things for this county. Drug Charges; Alcohol Charges; Drug Related Child in Need cases; Driving under suspension/while barred/revoked because you can’t pay thousands of dollars in fines if you have no money; Drug Related Mental Health Issues; Mental Health and Poverty Issues; General Parenting Issues; and Random “I Do Whatever I Want” individuals of all ages.

But… ha ha ha ha.... laugh at myself in a dry and condescending manner. My motivation and give a damn are simply gone for this place. Even to simply do a half-assed job… I’m just
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and I wake up that way these days. Awful, since I owe it to myself (if no one else) to do the best job that I can.

In that vein; while I was organizing, I specifically earmarked stuff that needs doing BEFORE the next week starts. AND I specifically pulled out stuff that needed doing NOW. And, I did. Somewhat. I did the stuff that needed doing, at least. Or… at least, I hope I did. Stupid place to be professionally but there it is. Though, I do have to say (since it popped into my head)… in Law School, I was often considered very professional. In Trial Advocacy Classes, I was told that I had a “professional, business like demeanor” and that is how I usually am in most things. Professional, business like. Then we have this area. Where it seems best that I don’t know what I’m doing because “relaxed style” isn’t just preferred… it seems to be the only one accepted. Don’t get me wrong, the other attorneys I interact with are professional… but those are the ones that are coming from an hour away. Everyone else… everyone IN the county… professionalism is certainly not their ideal.

AND THEN… because there’s always more shit here. Individual, mental health commitment from YEARS ago but the case never ended… just… held open forever (?).... I get a phone call that the individual has not been taking the appropriate meds and has not been going to appointments… so I call the Facility he was ordered to see… they filed a report that “things are fine” dated June 2016; but when I spoke with them… they haven’t seen this individual since JANUARY! Look through my files to see why the court hasn’t done anything… last court involvement was April 2015. For fuck’s sake. Court Order… Lazy Court, Lazy Facility… no follow through. Professionalism? Competency? Hell, maybe I do belong here… this is where the state seems to send all of their incompetent and unqualified!

Rivercity August 18, 2016

Wow. I was born in Sioux City and have been in Iowa a lot, and I never imagined it could be like the way you described. That's terrible.

Deleted user August 19, 2016

You can't be surprised. I am going to set up consultations with lawyers tomorrow :-(

hot-lips August 19, 2016

Do you have some sort of office assistant/legal secretary that can help you with the organisational side, so you can at least figure out the work side? Or have I just been watching too much Suits? lol

Park Row Fallout hot-lips ⋅ August 19, 2016

No no, most places have secretaries and assistants. Ours does not. Yet another way this place is backwards and crazy. Hell, the county next to ours (with twice the population) has 6 attorneys (each with their own secretary) and 3 people doing collections. Here... there is my boss, her secretary, me, and a lady doing collections. A considerable difference.

hot-lips Park Row Fallout ⋅ August 19, 2016

Yikes! Can your boss' secretary not help out? It's not like your boss does any work anyway. lol So you might as well give her assistant something to do. ;)

Park Row Fallout hot-lips ⋅ August 19, 2016

She could if we were in the same city. For reasons that continue to confound me; the County Attorney here works in a different city (30 minute drive away). So... while I'm in the County Seat (where the courthouse and administration are)... she and her secretary work out of a different building in a different city. But you are right... the Boss' secretary often says that she wishes she had more to do.

hot-lips Park Row Fallout ⋅ August 19, 2016

What a mess! No wonder you're frustrated with the system and your job.

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