Typed N Ready 2 Go in Plan B

  • Aug. 16, 2016, 6:38 p.m.
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I typed a simple paper up to put up in the senior center. This place rocks. During season it really kicks butt. It opens at 8 and it has all kinds of things going on. Rooms and rooms of stuff to do. Even a state of the art fitness room. So there ya go.
Finally got my printer reprogrammed into my computer. I am not a tech head. Taking care of the human body pretty good. Computers are a pain for me. Sometimes. It is just so time consuming for me.
I actually made a meal today. Yes. A real meal that involved chopping, putting on the stove and it was deeeeliscious. Easy enough too.
First cook tortalini’s. In a skillet add olive oil and butter and veggies…whatever you have on hand that is fresh. I used broccoli, peppers, onions, shrooms, toms and whatever else. Add spinache. Peeled and devained shrimp. Add cooked torts and some jar sauce as long as it is good quality. Wella. It took all of a half hour tops. Ate, took a nap then a storm came thru. Did up the dishes and took Romeo to the park. It was a quick jaunt. Then home.
Got a text from my director to view the camera thing we are now on and I did. Tried to take a health stream test on washing hands. I hate taking tests. I failed it. Said the hell with it and got my printer set up. So tomorrow should be interesting.
O! Did go to the farmers market. One of our vendors passed a way. She was a cool chick. Very friendly. Made beautiful jewerly. The NRG has changed now that she is no longer with us. She was young too. I did pick up my friskers. Only $8 bucks to sharpen. Good deal. He oiled it and and did a nice job. Now once the weather cools down I will garden again. This summer has been one of the hottest summers I can recall. 88 by 7 and inside and on the couch kind of days. Even Romeo makes quick trips. Who could blame him?
Going to grab some cookies and milk and call it a night. I am anxious to see what the new gig is going to bring me. One thing for sure I am not afraid of change. Been thru it too much to care. Peace In and Out.

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