I'm so tired of Apts and its Just Begun in Adventures of New baby and family

  • Aug. 11, 2016, 10:17 p.m.
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So Today, babycakes had a recheck of his booties and bar and informed them of his upcoming surgery. After we went to WIC office (as I’m unemployed and will be seeking employment soon) and as I was waiting I called the GI clinic back and they scheduled me for an endoscopy tomorrow. WTH??? Um.. I… ahh ......don’t really want to go but when you schedule it that fast I can’t think of a reason not to. Its in the afternoon and the baby is scheduled for his 6 month tomorrow morning. Last time he had shots he had a fever all day long and slept. He was okay the first. Not sure what to expect this time. All this with next week little guy having surgery. Sigh......

It was hot and sticky here today but we went to the Fair anyway. We had fun but were dripping with sweat most of the time there. I kept babycakes as cool as possible. I would give him water and wet him with it every chance I got. We went in all the buildings hoping they were air conditioned and to get out of the sun. I figure with everything going on lately with all the nonsense it was good to have some fun. Problem is my kids expect it all the time as we go all over.

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