The Spirit of Aloha in Talk Story

  • Aug. 19, 2016, 5 p.m.
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During lunch today… a woman friend came into the restaurant… walked over to my table and asked if she could join me for a few minutes…

I invited her to sit down… and with that… she gave me two posters…

Each poster was six feet tall… and 2 1/2 feet wide…

And each poster was a Maui Jim Sunglasses poster…

The top of each said Maui Jim (of course) and the rest of the posters were scenes from Maui (of course)…

I’ve got them at home now… not sure where I will hang them (I’ve sorta run out of wall space what with all of the art work here at the house)…

But… because it’s my name here at Prosebox (and Easy Diary and Open Diary)… I’ll find a place for them…

Ahhhh… the spirit of Aloha is alive and well in Brookings, Oregon…

Me ke aloha…

dream seeker August 19, 2016

What a great surprise!

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ August 19, 2016

Yes... very thoughtful of her...! (smiles)

Spilledperfume August 19, 2016

Is Easy Diary still around? I thought Eric had to shut down the site.

Maui Jim Spilledperfume ⋅ August 19, 2016


aunty EM August 19, 2016


Bird of Paradise August 19, 2016

That is pretty cool!

Maui Jim Bird of Paradise ⋅ August 19, 2016

It really was... totally unexpected... and I even found wall space for one of them...! (smiles)

Deleted user August 20, 2016

I have a wild rose poster. I had it framed and it hangs on the wall in my living room. I'm so happy you received not only one but two Maui Jim posters. Our diary names are special and they deserve some kind of remembrance in our every day life. You've been Maui Jim for many, many, many years.

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ August 23, 2016

Yes... since February of 1999...! (smiles)

TruNorth August 20, 2016

How thoughtful of her!

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ August 23, 2016

Yes... she said that she had been planning this for over a year... it took her that long to get the owner to part with them... (smiles)

ODSago August 20, 2016

Few of us have our own posters to hang on a wall...but because I am friends with a painter, I on the other hand have an expressionistic painting on my wall of a sort of version me at 42. I think you might want to post a photo,as I did, of you standing in front of one of your Maui Jim posters! The challenge is on.

Maui Jim ODSago ⋅ August 23, 2016

I no longer own a camera... but perhaps sometime I might as a friend to do just that... (or not)

middle age pearl August 22, 2016

What a lucky guy you are to have such a thoughtful friend. It goes without saying, that she is lucky and blessed to have you as a friend as well.

I like ODSago's suggestion. Pose, snap, upload, post to PB. ;)

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ August 23, 2016

Well... maybe... or not... (smiles)

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