Happy July Fourth, America! in Charting new territory

  • July 3, 2016, 5:47 p.m.
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Here it is almost another Fourth of July. I wonder just how many of us are willing to celebrate unity, hope, and strength of purpose on this very important day in America? Hot dogs and fireworks just won’t cut it anymore. We have a neo Hitler knocking at the door. We are torn to shreds by the ugliness in our society. Our congress believes saying No is an acceptable application of governance. In effect, we do not have a functioning government on any level. Every day someone somewhere is telling us to be afraid, very afraid but not to worry, “they’ve” got this one. No, they don’t have it. They are tied up in red tape and conflicting rules of engagement.

I used to dream of having a woman for president, a Golda Mier kind of lady, tough but gentle, worn by life but retaining a sense of humor, highly intelligent and not afraid to show it. Maybe Mrs. Clinton is all of those things. I hope so. I do know all of the dastardly things they say about her would be have been judged appropriate if done by a male candidate. I also know Golda was a master of the deal. I think Mrs. Clinton is certainly a challenger in terms of that particular art.

We are a bit of a mess these days. We need a savior but have yet to realize we must to be our own savior. I am afraid we may elect a tyrant in hope of a quick and easy solution to all of our troubles. We will rue the day it happens. Every election has monumental consequences but this one has the consequences writ large across the Constitution. It will rip away the foundations of social consciousness. It will change the face of justice with the appointment of the next person to sit in the Supreme Court. It will change the definition of warfare. The only thing weighing in with this election is…everything.

Happy July Fourth, America.

Deleted user July 03, 2016

Every day when I read the news on MSN, I think to myself can it get any worse? And then it does.

Deleted user July 05, 2016

Wow, I can not believe I found you again ! So happy !!!!

blevins Deleted user ⋅ July 06, 2016

Thank you!! It's good to be back.

Deleted user blevins ⋅ July 06, 2016

I was afraid you had quit writing .

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