Tears are right there... in Plan B

  • July 9, 2016, 5:09 a.m.
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I feel NRG. Always have always will. When I was real lil I could see peoples aura. Colors. I feel ghosts. I know when someone is in the room or about to take someone. I have died twice. It is not scary. My peoples were waiting on the other side for me and I wanted to stay. But they kept shoving me back. Fuck. I did not want to go. Just because some one has left physically they are there with you. They just don’t show up at work and freak everyone out. Mostly at night. Just to check in on you. Or when you know you should be doing something right and you against it.
I took care of a man tonight that I took care of two nights ago. He felt like shit today. I could see it in his eyes. I did not like the nurse. She didn’t have the good nrg he needed. I just kept quiet. If he does pass on it wont be a surprise. He has a “super bug” he can only get antibiotics thru his lungs. Anyway other way will fuck up his whole entire kidneys, ect. Dress entire gear. Gown, gloves, mask, change everything allll the fucking time. Sheets, pillow cases, all of it. Wash your hands 1,000 times then wash them again. Between the fingers, sides of hands. Wash.
I did not know about the shootings. At. All. I do not watch the news. Don’t allow patients to watch it. History Channel it is. I got a whiff of it at work and wouln’t let it intoxicate the day. I couldn’t. Wouldn’t. And alllllll the NRG I have is for my patient. Went home from work exhausted. So tiring.
You can say what you want. But I do like the President. He is not a mean spirited president. Yes. Everyone screws up and we do make mistakes but all in all he is cool. With that alllllllll being said. I am voting for the Bern. Hilliary scares the shit out of me and well dufus McDuffus with his cotton candy hair and orange skin. He is a cross between a troll doll and a umpa lumpa. Good Night allll

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