11 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • Dec. 28, 2013, 12:41 a.m.
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  • Public

I'm too exhausted to ever do anything, even type an entry. so here is an 11 week photo:

Starhawk December 28, 2013

Oh, hi there. So that's what a Dejah Thoris looks like.

martian princess Starhawk ⋅ December 28, 2013

Yes, she is pregnant and in need of a touch-up on her dyed hair. also she got her skin lightened. I look so different now. :P

Starhawk martian princess ⋅ December 29, 2013

I gotta admit that I was expecting mere twists of silk and brass chains. But hey, I can dig a floral-print dress just as well as the next Earthman. Frazetta eat your heart out.

martian princess Starhawk ⋅ December 29, 2013

It's actually cherry print, which is even better! ah, fashun.

Relish December 28, 2013

you are so cute! love the little bump :) I forgot to ask you I think, are you guys going to find out the sex?

martian princess Relish ⋅ December 28, 2013

Yes we are! I cannot wait that long! :) are you guys going to?

TrippyNina December 28, 2013

Such a cute littl' belly! I don't know how to post pictures...I should figure that out! lol

martian princess TrippyNina ⋅ December 28, 2013

I put my pictures on photobucket.com, get the direct link, and put it in this code: <img src=" " &gt;="" <="" img="">. You paste the link between the quotation marks, and you delete all the spaces (I had to put spaces there so prosebox didn't think I was trying to code and it would not appear as text). HTML actually has some use after all! ;)

martian princess TrippyNina ⋅ December 28, 2013

Grrrr the code didn't show up correctly in my note. I will get you a link to a site that shows how to do it.

*Tagonist December 28, 2013

such a cute teeny bump!

Deleted user December 29, 2013

Awe! You are so big for 11 weeks! ♡ looky at that cute bump :3

Fawkes Gal January 06, 2014

You are so cute!

JustAnotherFace February 11, 2014

You look so cute with your little bump! :)

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