So long dear friend... in Every day scata

  • May 18, 2016, 12:05 p.m.
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No more coffee for me :( I think that is what made me so urpy yesterday. I’m still urpy from this damn headache that won’t go away, but not near as bad as I was yesterday. Unfortunately the dizziness is back though. I’m thinking that it’s my body still getting used to the Tegratol. Put coffee on top of it, and you’re going to feel sicker than sick.

So no more coffee :( I am disappoint.

The sun is out though!!! Huzzah!! The rest of the week is supposed to be beautiful :) I think tomorrow I’ll have to cut the grass :) This makes me happy :)

I am going to stay away from the computer again. You know how it goes when you have a headache. It doesn’t help at all. So after lunch I’m going to try to meditate this headache away, and if that fails, I’ll listen to the junk on tv.

I hope you all are having a beautiful day :)

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