New View in Plan B

  • May 9, 2016, 7:26 p.m.
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The job didn’t get me. It was a call center job. 60 plus calls a day to patients who are on dyalasis. The the other half of the day is spent answering the phone with in bound calls. In a cubicle the size of a chair. I can’t do it. I tried. Years ago and can’t. I know my strengths and weaknesses and that is one of my weaknesses. To talk to a patient who has just spent 4 plus hours in a chair in a cold cold room is in no mood to talk no matter how much vaseline you put on your teeth to keep the “smile” in your voice. I know. I see it. I can’t. So plan B. Always have a plan B.
I am going with another home health agency and work 2 of them. Keep my mon. and tues. peeps and then do 3 /12’s on wed. th. and fri. weekends off. Yesterday I was by myself again with 33 patients. 33. That is nuts. Jon the charge nurse is useless as tits on a chicken. Seriously. Call bells were going off like Bingo and he wouldn’t get up to help at all. I had to ask him for help. So. No. I shouldn’t have to ask for help at all. He as a Charge Nurse should help and he can’t control any thing. At all. We had a big family blow up on the floor and he couldn’t even handle that. So how he ever got this position is beyond me. The other charge nurse gets patients. Why doesn’t he? I don’t care. Enough bitching. I’m tired. I admit it. Off I go to walk Romeo then off to bed early.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm May 09, 2016

33? that's crazy! and i would imagine close to being illegal. and probably dangerous. you can only be in one place at a time. not 33! take care,

Ferret Mom May 10, 2016

Good luck!

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