well, *photo edit* in --

  • April 8, 2016, 8:19 a.m.
  • |
  • Public

I finally got glasses. And the best part is, I can actually see things!
The worst part is the damn cost. Oh well, MY EYES.

I look much older:


Last updated April 08, 2016

Deleted user April 08, 2016

awesome! Where did you go to get glasses? I remember not having insurance and having to pay out of pocket (huge dent in the wallet), but a lot of places do offer financing.

martian princess Deleted user ⋅ April 08, 2016

I went online and did it. It was cheaper that way. I got some Kate Spade glasses for like $99.

Deleted user April 08, 2016

What, no picture?

martian princess Deleted user ⋅ April 08, 2016


Small Town Girl April 09, 2016

They are cute!

Fawkes Gal April 09, 2016

They're so cute!

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