What? in Normal entries

  • March 12, 2016, 7:46 a.m.
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Oh there is so much shit I want to write about. Wait, no, I don’t want to write about shit, not that shit, I want to write something else. It’s a burden to know things. Once you know what a bison looks like, for instance, you can spot every bison at a mall. And here you thought those were mall cows. Heh, I kind of like that little analogy, it’s cute and says nothing at all and everyone who read it already knows what a mall cow is, though the two of you that read it are thinking of two different things.

About thirty some odd years ago the State of New Hampshire opened a state lottery, thirty some odd years and a few months later they closed it down. To make it very simple, they had top statisticians set up the lottery, but no criminals. They almost went bankrupt. Gambling isn’t considered a vice crime because it offends the puritanical ethic, it’s considered a vice crime because if the fix isn’t in it soon will be. There is no multi-million dollar gentleman’s bet. The very idea of such a thing is like street brawls being held to the Marquis of Queensbury rules; someone is getting kicked in the nuts before they get to the first Q.

Neither mall cows nor mall mall bisons are predators, worse yet, they are both kind of yummy, even vegans can beat them up and take their lunch money. I’m not advocating that, I’m just saying don’t play with kids that salivate when you come round.

I’m ready to go into the mountains and leave valleys behind forever. A person can be a saint; people are assholes. Hm. That’s paraphrased from somewhere … oh. Yeah. Newsroom. A person is smart, people are stupid. Had something to do with an election or something. If it didn’t before it sure does now. Come November there’s going to be a lot of people looking around wondering if they got the joke ballot or what. And at the mall the jackals will be picking over the carcasses of cow and bison alike. Maybe not jackals in north America, but crows sound so … pedestrian.

Ok, so that’s three solid paragraphs of cryptic with an extra cheater paragraph in there. Let’s call this a five paragraph essay about who-the-fuck-knows. Heh, we might just got around to that movie tomorrow.

Deleted user March 12, 2016

In November the Electoral College will screw most of us over as usual :-(

haredawg drools Deleted user ⋅ March 13, 2016

I don't know how they could possibly do more damage. They are good at their gig though, they might figure out a way to screw us more than we are screwing ourselves. It's more like an Electoral pre-school. Night electoral pre-school for toddlers who have day jobs.

Deleted user haredawg drools ⋅ March 14, 2016

You nailed it .

woman in the moon March 12, 2016

Bald eagles are the common scavenger of road kill on my commute.
I have too much to write about too ..... and I never get a five paragraph essay essayed. Assayed? I could look it up. But I won''t.

haredawg drools woman in the moon ⋅ March 13, 2016

Yeah, I never understood how that became the symbol for america; carrion eaters and though better looking than vultures, not by much. Golden eagles are prettier. Hawks are both common and work for a living, falcons do too and are beautiful. Though the decision was made before the breed, the American Pitbull Terrier embodies all the characters one wants associated with national pride. They used a pitbull in WWI on posters for that very reason; propaganda. It was a real dog, I forget his name and what act of heroism he committed, but it's absolutely true.

woman in the moon haredawg drools ⋅ March 13, 2016

They say Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey for the national emblem - much superior to the noble warlike eagle....... who eats dead stuff.

haredawg drools woman in the moon ⋅ March 13, 2016

Yes, Bens argument too was that the turkey was common, an accessible image for a budding democracy. I suspect he was thinking "yummy" as well, but they left out of the history books. If starbucks were around and George W Bush was their CEO, the bird would be the Swallow, because, you know, every year the Swallows return to Cappuccino (whew long route to a bad pun).

woman in the moon haredawg drools ⋅ March 14, 2016

I'll have a swallow of cappuccino or several.

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