Off Day... in Plan B

  • Feb. 18, 2016, 1:32 p.m.
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I needed so bad to be off today. The very last patient we did last night before leaving was “Fat Girl”…it’s not making fun * it is what it is. We had to “change her” and it ended up being way more than that. Way more. It was just Megan and I and she is small like me…115 mayby and this chick weighs 455. Ya. Rollllllllll baby rolll. OMG. When I left I was dizzy. Really actually dizzzy. I could feel the blood in my brain just rushing around and my heart pushing against the walls wanting to go farther out but couldn’t. The only reason I didn’t throw up ( bad urine smelled like cat piss and shit so bad I put my nose against my arm to keep the smell out) is because I eat small lunches so I can finish my shift and not be sleepy. I had to lean against the wall once I got around the corner just so I could take the stairs down to go home. Whew. Change 2 to 3 times a shift is over my limit on human care. Then to see a jar of nutella and big bars of chocolate makes me want to just cry. It’s like rrrrrreallly?
I know one thing I learn alot so I guess that is the upside to all of this. In the mean time killing my body. Great weight loss program by the way.
Not this sat. but next is our great towns hoooopla on “Get Rescued” ~ I spoke to Jan last night and told her that I would pick her up and take her. Then she wants to see where I live… just let it go. So there will be all kinds of animals and things. Why not?
I am so ready for a nap even tho the day is beautiful my brain and body needs to chill. I thank ellen everyday for her show. Now tho it’s My Cousin Vinny.

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