cause. purple. [survey] in The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.

  • Nov. 17, 2015, 2:03 a.m.
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Will you agree to let a lover use your toothbrush?
not likely

In your bad dreams do you ever throw the slow motion punch?

Do you eat or give away pickles?
neither. i just leave them on the plate.

Do you match and ball socks or just dump them, en masse, in the drawer?
neither. i keep them in a lingerie bag in the drawer so they don’t get lost.

Do you bisect your sevens with one of those squiggly hyphens?

When eating out, do you set your knife atop your plate and change hands?

Do you tear into wrapped presents or open them neatly with the spoken intent to save the paper?
i tear into them. i hate it when people go all slowly. omygod. yeah i’m not much of a stroller in the words of evan. as in one who strolls. oh this relates cause i don’t like when people walk slowly.

Would you rather drive or be driven?
I would rather be driven. < me too esp. given i don’t drive

Do you engage strangers in conversations on airplanes?
well i don’t consider random people strangers. i don’t use that word. so no i don’t generally talk to random people save for at bars.

Do you own a bathrobe?
um no

Are they still there, those ascending horizontal lines that marked your growth as a child up a wall or a door?

Can you write at all with your opposite hand?
like am i able to or..........?

Do audiences affect your attempts to urinate or parallel park?
well as put i don’t drive so no on that. but w/ the other thing yes.

Do you bookmark or dog-ear your books?
both. w/ certain books i’ll put bookmarks in them. books love to be touched, so.

Do you mind fighting losing battles?
I don’t really understand this question.

Do you check the dates on coins?
omygod i misread that as ‘cousins’. erm for what exactly?

Do you like to be the one who holds the tickets (for airplanes, movies, etc.)?
i’m never the person holding them

Can you sleep with socks on?
and by can you mean............?

Are you a sucker for foreign accents?
Some, yes.

Are you skilled at giving directions?
no cause again i don’t drive. well er maybe. i’ve not given them a lot so idk. yeah no i don’t go by compass directions.

Is your name frequently mispronounced?
No. but i hate it when it is. it’s spelt ‘anne’ but said ‘ann’.

Do you attempt to pronounce foreign words correctly, such as calling a crescent-shaped roll a cwaSAHN?
no it’s said ‘cra-shawnt’. or ‘qwa-shant’. oh wait it’s french just like ‘ballet’ or ‘buffet’ so...........yeah the ‘t’ would be silent that’s right. no i’ve just never heard anyone not silence the ‘t’, so.

Do you think grades in school mattered?
um like As, Bs and Cs or like 3rd, 4th and 5th.

Can you tie a tie? What about a bowtie?
god i hate the ‘can’ thing

Does making a good list ever feel like an accomplishment in itself?
well i don’t think i’ve ever made a bad one, so. and no not much.

Have you ever been on fire? Who wrote these questions?

Are your faucets tricky to the point where were an out-of-towner to use your shower, you’d feel the need to give a tutorial?
well the shower one is weird. cause in order to turn it off you have to um. pull the thing down or something like that. i don’t like when faucets are turned so tightly that you can’t turn them. like no. i also don’t like when people have the part where the water comes out [unless that is the faucet. but then aren’t the turny dudes right by it also the faucets? so.........wait some of them have handles] but like when it’s off. erm i mean. ok so when it’s off it’s not against the wall. yeah i don’t like that.

Do you tend (or did you tend) to date people older or younger than yourself?
well w/ ladies i’d go younger but not w/ guys.

When walking or driving with a companion in a place where your companion is familiar and you are not, do you tend not to pay any attention whatsoever?
I don’t pay attention. this reminds me of being at evan’s [this was almost 3 yrs. ago btw] and then at some point in time later when i tried to find the building i couldn’t. and i’ve never been able to. not that i’m down there [being downtown] a lot so that’s part of it. i don’t have the address which is probably a good thing. i don’t know why it’s so damn imperitive to me to find the place nor why it’s been bothering me this much. like i know exactly what the exterior looks like but when i’ve looked online. nothin. or mabybe i’m misremembering. i was also sick at the time, so.

Do the number of beaches you’ve been on exceed your fingers?
No. I’ve only been to a few beaches.

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