so last wk. i.......... in The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.

  • Nov. 17, 2015, 11:48 a.m.
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i’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come into my mind. that song’s stuck in my head now. valerie & I heard it on the radio on the way to the bar. ya know come to think of it that irish guy seemed like a nice guy and now i feel bad for not taking him up on his offer. dangit. i’d actually considered it too while i was there.
hey look it’s 4:20! tehe 420. and i don’t have any. ok i’m stalling.
um no so last Mon. which was the 9th Milton my new service coordinator guy stopped by. he’s nice. he might be gay not that it matters a lot of straight guys like the theater. he’s from um long island he um he likes psychology and modern dance. oh he stopped by for a meeting.
so also on Mon. valerie & I didn’t meet as she wasn’t well. So I went to the home depot area. where I got liquor of course and I also went to wendy’s. I was hungry. and it was nice. for the 5 mins. I sat and ate. apparently it takes about 10 to 20 mins. to walk there from home depot and i didn’t want to be late, so. erm i mean for the lady. who was picking me up. Yeah um so after wendy’s I went back to home depot and went inside and was looking at their holiday stuff you know in that little section and one of the clerks was right in front of me and he asked if he could help me and I’m like no. and it’s like maybe i should wait outside. so i got paranoid and left. [and no i hadn’t taken anything]. i don’t like it when they stop right in your way. or when people in general are in your way.
So then on Tues. I um. well i went and saw my psychologist. it went idinno it was hard. We talked about things between my mom & I. and then after that my mom & i went to um. REI as we’d forgotten to get new gloves the previous wk. which was like the 1st or something. then we went to Panera and then the store. we hadn’t gone grocery shopping in awhile. and then we went to her place.
On Wed. I. i sister & I did things oh we had lunch at a lovely italian place. they had good chippies. they were rosemary or something. and pasta of course. I think we were the youngest people in there. it was quiet. So then. we went to her pharmacy where I’d get a flu shot but turns out they were out which is weird and at this time of yr. too. So then on to Target where turns out they don’t take my insurance for flu shots. but i got it anyway the 4 strain one. [that has me thinking of pot]. the finances got all worked out. At Target she got ornament making things. she’s told me she wants to do more crafts.
and then after Target we parted. I. well I went and drank. wine. yes a single glass of wine. it was nice. and then I went to starbucks in the mall and got a peppermint hot chocolate and um gingerbread. i was standing in line and was all cosy and out of it and drunk. and i’m like this is nice. those peppermint dudes are good.
um so then I went back to my mom’s where we had dinner I think potatos as we’ve been having them a lot. i like potatos but wow. so we had............uh...........the gingerbread for dessert. apparently as decided by me. that was good too. my dad calls to my mom “this is v. good!” well she wasn’t the one who’d made/brought it but he was right it was v. good. um and after awhile i took the bus to the bowling place where i met the lady. we stayed for an hr.
and um thurs. not much happened.
so on fri. i went to the store. and the liquor store. again of course. i got fireball. good stuff. at the store i sat in their little cafe area and had a vitaminwater and 2 oddwalla bar things. um this lady was talking to another worker there. i didn’t like the lady she was annoying and loud. after awhile i’m like so i’m going to leave’ cause yeah. and so i went into the other part of the store.
oh and when i was in the makeup/hair aisle this lady was standing in the way [which as i’ve mentioned i don’t like] and i went ‘um scuse me’ and she’s like ‘sorry’. thank you i like you now. [no really don’t be that person as i’m not a fan. of those people].
and sat. i went to southlands where i walked around. they have normal rockwell statue things out er figures. figure-statues?. anyway those things they have those things out for the holidays. i don’t like his work. at bath bodyworks i smelled a peppermint candle as i was nauseous and it helped. it smelled just like the peppermint drink dude. and i smelled lotion from their holiday collection jasmine. um oh i went into b&n for a few mins. as i had time. oh now i remember why i didn’t feel good. i got my period fri. oh ok that’s right. yeah i got sick from it but after that it was ok. whenever i don’t feel good i don’t want chocolate. like i don’t even like the mention of it. or cake. my ex was the same way.
i really like bookstores. i went to the children’s section but there were people by the entrance, so. yeah didn’t go in. i went to the bargain books section, the cafe to see if there was anything i wanted [which there wasn’t cause like i said i wasn’t feeling well] and i went to the music/dvd section. they have a lot of movies. and music they even have a few vinyls. and um..........old movies too like casablanca, gone with the wind. that. is a really long movie. 4 hrs. i like/d it when i saw it. er it was on pbs awhile ago i watched it w/ my mom. um. they were playing holiday songs.
so then i called the lady and we went back to the house. and yeah that was my wk. well most of it anyway.

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