Driving Miss Sonja in Hello.

  • Oct. 26, 2015, 4:17 a.m.
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You don’t need to read about my driving lessons. I’m documenting them for my own fun, so I can look back on them and see how far I’d come.
By jingo, I’ve got it! Finally, on my sixth driving lesson, it’s all clicked and I know how to make the car go, stop, and all the other speeds in between. I know when to use the clutch and when not to. My weakness lies now with not getting up to speed quick enough, something we’re going to work on in my next lesson. But my driving instructor said that everyone reaches their epiphany at different times and I’ve reached mine now, which was reflected in most of my scores going up from “needs some prompting” to “does with no prompting”. I still managed to stall the car twice as I tried to creep at a junction, forgetting I was in third. My instructor doesn’t stop me from making mistakes, he lets me make them, then makes me talk about what just happened and why it happened. Because of that, it made it suddenly click that I’d only ever be in first, second or third in town (yeah, it took me 7 hours of tuition to learn that!) and my instructor kept asking me which gear we were in and if it was appropriate for what we were doing.
I also did a three point turn. He talked me through the first one, I talked him through the second one, then the third one he said we’d do in silence, which we did and he was happy! Apparently I don’t have to do bay parking as part of my test, because there’s nowhere on the test route to do it, but we’re going to do it anyway. Thank goodness, that shit looks hard!

Last updated October 26, 2015

Bomb Shell October 26, 2015

Bay parking is fine once you've got the hang of it; you just need to know where to stop so the car will go straight in when you put on the full lock. But after seven years of driving I still can't do parallel parking to save my life; I need three car lengths before I can fit it in!

Bumbly October 26, 2015

I don't mind bay parking but prefer parallel parking. Probably because to park on my street I have to parallel park so do it more often! I pride myself on cramming my tiny car in even tinier spaces lol

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