Well here I am. in Entries

  • Oct. 24, 2015, 1:04 p.m.
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Long time no see. It’s been a helluva year. Shall I recap? Last Dec 16, 2014 I started treatment for Crohns, which I had no idea I had until I had a routine colonoscopy 1 1/2 years prior. It took me that long, because I really was trying to ignore the fact, I’m really bad that way.
They put me on Imuran (azathioprine) which is the same drug they treat transplant patients with. It’s an immunosuppressant. Apparently my immune system is attacking my digestive tract. I tolerated it for awhile, until Jan 12th, 2015 I woke up in the middle of the night with acute pain in my stomach. Marko rushed me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. The enzymes in my liver was off the charts.
The next day, my husband walks in to my hospital room and states that he has been ‘let go’. He has worked for this same hospital for over 10 years. I begged the docs to let me go home that day. I was significantly better since stopping the Imuran. Normally they keep pancreatitis patients for weeks. I didn’t want to have my poor husband have to get on a boat and come back over again to the place that just laid him off just to see me. They let me go home with strict diet instructions.
The day I went into the hospital I was supposed to have an appointment with my primary care physician. I was anxious to show her my right breast. Which had just had a slight swelling before I started the Imuran, but now had developed into a hard lump with nipple retraction. (I know, right?). Actually, the swelling had started the prior May, then I had a mammogram in August that came back clear. So I quit thinking about it. The look on my doctor’s face pretty much said it all though.
I was quickly scheduled over at the breast clinic in Seattle and had another Mammo and ultrasound. Its so funny how clinicians like to be careful with their words and facial expressions, but you really can see everything despite that carefulness.
After the ultrasound, of course I was scheduled for a biopsy. They biopsied the tumor as well as enlarged lymph node. Then was scheduled at the Breast Cancer clinic. I have Stage IIIa breast cancer. Estrogen/Progesterone positive EHR2 negative. Really, if you’re going to have breast cancer, mine is the type you want to have. Because it’s treatable. I have one of the best oncology teams in the country and am on a ‘curative’ care plan.
On March 12 I was scheduled to start neoadjuvant chemotherapy. On March 11th I was at work. Earlier in the day my Mom called and said she was going to run up to my house and bring me her scarves, which she did. Marko was home. At about 4:30pm I get a call on my cell. Hello Dawn, this is North Kitsap Fire and Rescue. We are here at your parents house working on your Mom. She is non-responsive, can you come console your dad?
I called Marko, ‘Honey I think Mom just died.. meet me over there.’ Continue next entry…

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