Quickie in Chunky giblets

Revised: 09/16/2015 11:35 p.m.

  • Sept. 16, 2015, 11:05 p.m.
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  • Public

I don’t have a lot of time on the library’s computer so I’ll try and make this as quick as I can whislt also crammin’ it full of juicy, hard facts.

It is pissing it down out there. I got soaked to the bone today. I tried hitch-hiking to Bournemouth when it came down. Holy shit. I need more clothes. My Star Wars hoodie is missing, so I have to get a new one. Being a “Goth” (in quotes because I’m not sure if the term really applies to me, regardless for my love of Xymox and The Cure) means I’m extremely picky about what I wear. For example, my New Rocks are a given. I require black clothing at all times. I’m currently wearing two black T shirts, one with the old Guinness label on and the other with a metal band called Desolated on the front. I’m also wearing a pair of long black cargo-style three-quarter-length shorts that are so long they just about cover the top of my New Rocks (which come up to the top of my shins just below the knees). I’m also wearing a short-sleeved shirt and, especially on a day like fuckin’ today, my full length leather duster. With the beginnings of a beard growing I look kinda like Silent Bob without the hat, the fat, or the talent.

Poetry, heh.

So anyway, I got soaked. I ended up in some train station miles away and I said “fuck it” and hopped on the train back into town. Tomorrow is another day. I’ll try and do better tomorrow, but today I’m gonna just charge up my shit and blast out metal and punk and industrial in the park with a bottle of wine and some cheese buns.

Never accuse me of not being sophisticated.

I’m down to my last, I dunno, thirty pence or so. Money may be an issue; I might have to go busking tonight, but Jesus, this weather sucks. Absolutely showing no sign of abating, either. I’m lucky in that my rucksack is a light Bergen, ex military issue, so whilst it’s not huge and cumbersome, it’s still completely weather proof and can actually store a lot of shit. This is handy as I’ve not had a whole lot of luck in the rucksack department over the years.

Well, not much to say. Oh, except I’m really into a girl right now and I’ve never even seen her face to face, and in fact don’t even know what she looks like even though she knows what I look like, and I’m terrified it’ll all go down the shitter. Hooray for my neuroses. Oh, and get this - Facebook are about to add a “dislike” button. I approve. I mean, I’ll never be on Facebook, but still.

EDIT Are you fucking kidding me?!?

EDIT 2: EDIT HARDER That pisses me off. Big style. When I have more time I’m going to investigate further and bring you the whole story. Seriously, a fucking clock. God DAMN it.

FINAL EDITATION Okay, so, not that quick after all.

Last updated September 16, 2015

Deleted user September 16, 2015

i think Id like to fuck u

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ September 16, 2015

Lady, you have no idea what I look like. You say this now, but if you ever saw me, you'd probably be like "Ehh, changed my mind".

Deleted user Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ September 16, 2015

meh just throw in some vodka and I'll be good plus no one here wears full length leather duster

Johnny Carcinogen Deleted user ⋅ September 17, 2015


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