Itchy and scratchy part 3? in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Sept. 1, 2015, 6:31 p.m.
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Well then. . .

So, I went to the doctor and got some short term prescriptions to calm down the flare, which is nice. Give it a couple of weeks and we reassess. I should be in decent shape by then, so cross fingers, things will stay more or less under control. It’s looking a lot better now, even in areas where I’ve not been using any of the steroid creams, so that’s hopeful.

An aside on this subject. . . I was directed to a website by a comment on my last entry. Link to a ‘natural remedy’ published by some character calling herself the ‘Wellness Mama’. I kind of hesitated to write any follow up on this, because you know, I’d never really try to discourage anyone from trying something if it works for them and without trying said remedy I couldn’t tell you if it has any benefits. It might. Natural remedies sometimes do, in the same way that a car you built out of scrap might actually work, albeit not nearly as well as one built by actual expert car-makers with access to the best materials and the best car-building technology.

But, then again. . . bejeesus, this website. Oh dear.

If you don’t want to risk losing IQ points by going there it’s basically the appeal to nature blown up into an entire website. Artificial is bad, and natural is good because, you know, natural stuff is awesome and . . . artificial stuff has toxins . . . and stuff.

I browsed around a bit just to see just how bad the stupid was going to get (I’ve actually seen worse), and honestly, if you’re not calling bullshit on every other article on the site then you need to take your critical thinking skills back to the shop for re-tuning. Example a), relevant to my current interests. . .

Here, our friend the ‘mama interviews a ridiculous quack naturopathic ‘doctor’ on the subject of skin health. A ‘doctor’ who, I note from her own website, offers all manner of idiotic quack treatments up to and including homeopathy. For a fee of course. A large, ongoing fee, I would think. Yep, pay the good ‘doctor’ some cold hard cash and she’ll help you with the homeopathy.

Homeopathy. Homeopathy. If you don’t actually know anything about homeopathy, just read the Wikipedia entry; just in case someone ever tries to push it on you.

Yah. That’s the quality of advice you’re get from websites like this, so I think I may stick to getting advice from actual doctors for now. Always remember, kids - just because someone’s on the internet doesn’t mean you ought to just turn your brain off and assume that they know what they’re on about. If you’re ill, see a feckin’ doctor.

Take it away, Dara.

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