This weekend I will mostly be doing. . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Sept. 5, 2015, 7:17 p.m.
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. . . nothing. And loving every minute of it.

I will force my carcass out for a short run tomorrow, though. The fitbit judges me otherwise. I like my fitbit. . . it’s not that it has any real idea of how many calories I burn or how far I go, but it’s consistent, and it tells me to my face when I’m being a lazy-arse.

Which is relatively often.

My skin looks quite clear now. I’m also down under 12 stone again. These two things may or may not be linked - I am of course using copious amounts of steroid cream, but my skin is looking clear even in areas where I haven’t been using it, so that’s hopeful.

Still, let’s give it a few more weeks of hard dieting and clear skin before we declare any kind of victory. . .

And having said that, my back still feels prickly as hell. I’m developing some great arm flexibility trying to apply emollient cream, mind - it’s amazing how far up my back I can get my hand now, given that I have all the core flexibility of a tree most of the time. Sliver linings n’all.

Also, we appear to have missed out Autumn and gone straight into the early stages of winter. I’m not sure why. Possibly the met office are to blame. I’m pretty sure they shouldn’t allow this kind of thing.


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