At the beach in In the Kingdom of Suzu

  • Aug. 25, 2015, 8:17 a.m.
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We made it! The princesses were “lice-free” altho to be on the safe side, they spray their hair with olive oil and wear shower caps to bed—they look like lunch ladies😝😝😝😝, It is actually their idea to keep doing it at night because they don’t want to have to go thru this ever again. They are so funny. When we got to the beach they both thanked me for bringing them and when we finally checked into the condo, they also thanked me. They are really two sweet girls.

MIL is doing well ( we stopped overnight at her house) and depending on the weather, she and my SIL will probably come over a day. The weather forecast shows cloudy but it has already changed to sunny so you just never know.

The condo is really nice, private entrance to the beach and it doesn’t seem to be too crowded for the last full week of August. The kids down here started school on Monday so that might explain some of it. We always come near the end of September so I wasn’t sure how crowded it would be, but it is not too bad. Hot tho, very hot. Close to 90 and that is at the beach!

Guess I will go have a cup of coffee, watch the waves and wait for the princesses to wake up!

🌻StillJustMe🌸 August 25, 2015

I wanna come watch the waves with you!
Have fun with those princesses!

ConnieK August 25, 2015

NICE! We'll be at Topsail in a few weeks. Can't wait! The lice epidemic has spread to almost every state. They say they're more resistant than ever. Glad you got the upper hand so fast!

Lacrime di Drago August 26, 2015

Now I want to go to the beach. You cruel cruel woman!

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