Farewell 2005! (pics) in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!

Revised: 07/13/2015 5:53 p.m.

  • Dec. 31, 2005, 10 p.m.
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Original title: Farewell 2005! :) pics!
Original OD URL: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D260587&entry=10195

Entry revised and re-editted for errors: July 13th, 2015.

How exciting. Time for an entry :)

Worked all day Saturday, but it flew by - we sold like 500 bags of ice, we were constantly filling it - everyone getting their ice for New Years Eve celebrations. Not only that, the party needs section was pretty much destroyed by the end of trade lol. After work, I was quite lucky cos my workmate John offered to give me a lift home. Turns out I live in the same area as one of his mate’s does, so I thought that was pretty cool. I was slightly out of his way, but he was kind and dropped me outside my door. Was so nice of him. I thanked him and wished him a happy new year. It was Barb’s last day at work so she was all happy and jumpy and wishing everyone a new year. Yeah right, she’s just glad to get out. She’s been appointed the Customer Service Manager at Paddington, for all you Brisbane-ites reading this who wanna wander in and have a gander lol. She’s quite pretty! :)

So Yeah, after I got home, I quickly showered and changed and caught the bus into Southbank. I figured the bus would get me there quicker than having to change trains and stuff. My the end of the route, the bus was packed. This was only at like 8:30pm, but when I got to Southbank, there were people everywhere! I was like, ‘oh no, by midnight this place will be unmovable!’ I walked around there for ages, had my pockets checked by security personnel, and eventually found a spot, RIGHT on the Brisbane River, and I sat there for 2 hours and wouldn’t budge so I wouldn’t lose my spot. In previous years, I haven’t been able to get further towards Southbank than the city cos it’s been so packed. I had a PERFECT spot and I was so proud of myself. I got a phone call and it was Johnny saying he had a problem. I was meant to be meeting up with him at Southbank, but when he rang he said he was still in Toowoomba! I was like ‘Johnny!’ He was like, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be there!’ Sure enough, about 11:15pm, after giving him directions on whereabouts I was, John found me! I couldn’t believe it. He almost walked past until I recognized him and yelled out. He must’ve just heard me cos he turned and I pulled him through the crowd to where I was, and we sat on the ledge together. You couldn’t get any closer to the river, or else we would’ve fell in. They had a lifesaver riding a rescue jet-ski, just in-case anyone did I guess lol.

I then got a message saying that Scott and his friend were coming in. They had originally decided to stay home and drink. It took them ages to find us. I ended up giving my phone to John to give Scott directions cos he was just getting pissed at me cos I had no idea lol. Hey John found me alright! Anyway they eventually found us, and we pulled them to the front with us and we all sat down so the people behind us didn’t get too pissed off. John struck up a conversation with them anyway. He’s so good at talking to random people lol.

Scott eventually found us - well John spotted him! He and his friend had come along. He introduced us both to Trent, his friend from Sydney. He was a real cutie! lol. I think he’s one of those guys who knows it too - well anyway Scott and I both think he’s cute. He’s staying at Scott’s until the 10th I believe. 9:00pm fireworks - I just caught the end of it as I arrived!”
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John took this photo - I didn’t realise I was so happy to be there hahaha I never smile like that! Was having a good time though!”
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Trent & Scott. Such cute boys hehe.
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Yeah luckily i remembered to bring my camera this time. It’s one of my New years Resolutions to take more photos so that I can put them in my diary. I mean a diary should contain pictures right? I just hope in future I’ll be able to do them on a DSL connection and not this crummy dial-up! lol!
How do you do it Sam. Haha hope you had fun in Surfer’s babe! :)

Me & Scott
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Trent and Scott again awwww.
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Me, Scott and Trent
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It was a lotta fun hanging out with the boys. John was the odd one out being straight, but he’s awesome.  He reckons he was checking out a guy a few days ago and had been hanging around me too long! I think straight guys observe other guys I guess, and know when they see a good looking guy, just like I know when I see a good looking girl. On the walk back to the train station after the fireworks, John and I passed by this chick who seriously looked like a replica of Barbie - she was stunning. John and I both turned our heads as we walked past, both going ‘Dayam!’ hahaha. She was so pretty.

I like that last photo of the three of us. Obviously Johnny took the photo. When we sat down on the ledge to watch the fireworks, we had to be careful as we sat down or else we woulda slipped into the water. Trent sat next to me, and steadied himself, on my crotch (whether that was a subtle feel-up or what i dunno, but I’m pretty sure it was haha.) Sneaky little bugger isn’t he lol. Scotty sat the other side and I Johnny stood behind. I realised my camera has a fireworks function, so I was so happy about that. Johnny was like ‘No Way!’ haha. I tried to take the best photo’s I could, but you get the idea anyway!

10, 9, 8, 7.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! The Midnight fireworks!! hugs all round!
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After the fireworks we spent ages trying to decide what we wanted to do. Trent went into the Valley to meet a friend, and probably to pick up too I think, and us three decided to go home, well back to Scott’s. Johnny bought his train ticket but then decided to go home as he was tired, so Scotty and I trained it back to his joint. It was fun there. We drank Midori - I think I’ve found an alcohol I like, finally! It took me ages to be brave enough to do my first shot. Alcohol makes me so sleepy though, it sucks. He played his guitar for me for ages, and I was so tired I nearly dozed off, and I think I did a few times, but kept waking myself up. Then we watched a porn that Trent had brought up, which was pretty good. It has the same actors in it as the one I have on my computer. Scotty was getting all horny but it didn’t really do much for me. He spent a lot of the night trying to find out how big my dick was, in any way he could, haha, but not to much avail. It was very tempting at some points though, as some of the alcohol probably kicked in lol. But nope, I was a good boy and he didn’t get what he wanted. He got so close though, and reckons he felt it but I didn’t feel anything so I doubt it. He’s a funny one. I think Trent staying with him might be depressing him a little though. Just a feeling I get. I found out that a lot of Scott’s friends are mainly hot guys, or above Scott’s standard. Kinda strange, but that’s all part of him and ya gotta love him for it. I ended up crashing on the couch, and Trent’s door was closed when I woke up, so I presume he came home sometime that morning, as I only fell asleep at about 5:00am. Woke up around 11am and went to marky’s place (my ex), who lives in Annerley, which is just a short walk up a steep hill over the railway tracks. I spent pretty much the whole day there today! It was fun! And I felt totally comfortable. I think I’m handling my New Years Resolutions pretty well. I’ve been there for my friends more on the first day, so hopefully I can keep it up. That’s the intention, so who knows what 2006 will bring. Hope you aren’t too bored in Pitty Billy!!

Happy new year to all my friends and readers here on OD. I thank you for reading my diary over the past year and just wish you all the best for this upcoming year. It’s gunna be a huge one, and make each day more special than the last, cos you never know just how long you’ve got here, or the opportunities you could be missing out on if you don’t take a leap and get out of your comfort zone. :) Anyway there’s my Jerry-Springer-style-final-thought, and I shall leave you and wish you all a wonderful and amazing 2006! Mwah!!

The OD Notes!

Sun, 1 Jan 2006 0:00:00 GMT

Taste The Rain Bow
Sun, 1 Jan 2006 4:47:15 PM GMT
Matt you are so very special to this guy that lives so many miles from you. That guy would be me of course. So from my heart to your heart I wish you a happy 2006. I love you my special friend!

Much love is sent across the miles to you on this day.



Sun, 1 Jan 2006 5:40:45 PM GMT
scott is one hot dude. so is the bloke in the blue shirt next to him… oh look! that’s you! haha!


you had an awesome new year. happy 2006, gorgeous.

ryn: we just talked, =)

Sun, 1 Jan 2006 8:40:49 PM GMT
Have a Great 2006!!! OMG I only have a year and a half left at secondary school!!! Panics But yeah anyway, sounds like you had a fab night.

All the best,


Sun, 1 Jan 2006 10:07:25 PM GMT
awe, I love all the pictures. You are soo gorgeous! Too bad I am not in australia..lol come kidnap me for a week! LOL

Sun, 1 Jan 2006 2:57:10 AM GMT
Great pictures! Happy new year!

Sun, 1 Jan 2006 3:29:26 AM GMT
thanks for the note guy…hope 2006 is going to be amazing for you…feel free to note me anytime and BTW…you and your friends are hott…so I added you to my faves…hope you don’t mind…

Mon, 2 Jan 2006 7:36:08 AM GMT
Hey thanks for the note - catcha soon, am back in Brisbane now. come visit some time. we can go to the Punjabi palace in west end.

Mon, 2 Jan 2006 7:55:19 AM GMT
I hope you have a wonderful new year, bud.. You deserve it!

Happy Sunday.

Mon, 2 Jan 2006 9:32:19 AM GMT
Happy new year sweetie! Surfers was pretty good. I’ll be writing all about it soon. try using photobucket.com, I never had prob gettin pics up using that. MWA

Mon, 2 Jan 2006 9:45:26 PM GMT
Happy 2006 to you too bella :)

Tue, 3 Jan 2006 3:03:08 PM GMT
aw thanks hun, that just made my day a little better. <3

Tue, 3 Jan 2006 3:47:33 PM GMT
Happy New Year dude, and here’s to an awesome 2006!

Love the pictures. How do you do that on OD?


Tue, 3 Jan 2006 5:20:28 PM GMT
RYN: MATT! What are you talking about! Seriously, if I knew you in ‘real life’ I’d have a schoolgirl crush on you in under a minute. Rohit, the kid at school I’m crushing on these days, bears more than a passing resemblance to you, =) Good taste, I say, haha.

Tue, 3 Jan 2006 9:17:32 PM GMT
Happy New Year baby doll. Oh you are all adorable, even the straight dude…hehe. I’m adding you to my space. Love, Monica

Tue, 3 Jan 2006 11:19:11 PM GMT
Hey Mattie awesome pics! For someone who’s so self-conscious about his body you sure like wearing sleeveless t-shirts! And Scott looks good without all that gunk in his hair. I had an interesting holiday but will tell you privately. Some day may have the nerve to actually write an entry. Thank you for all you have done for me and I wish you a great 2006.

love always Jeff & Joel

Wed, 4 Jan 2006 6:57:47 AM GMT
Nice pictures my friend. I hope you have a great new year. Take care and God Bless!

Thu, 5 Jan 2006 1:06:49 AM GMT
great pics!!! you’ve got some cute friends :)

Sick Of Being Sick

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Last updated July 14, 2015

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