Survey times. in Thoughts.

  • June 25, 2015, 9:27 a.m.
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When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap?
I usually use both. I go for warm. :)

If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date?
This is kind of hard to answer. If I was going for the whole… if I was a lesbian answer, probably Scarlett Johansson or Anna Nicole Kendrick. But I’d also love to meet a bunch of other people too. Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence… and more. I think I’m leaning more towards Anna Nicole Kendrick right now though. She could serenade me haha.

What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it?
The biggest injury I’ve ever sustained? Hmm. I think I have to say that it’s the pain of loss. Losing the people I love.. its not something you ever really stop feeling. Sure it lessens. You forget some, you try to remember the best things and hold on to them. But you’re always missing them.

What is the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten?
Possibly kangaroo? Is that particularly unusual? I had that a few times in Florida.

What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched?
Probably an emu or a shark. I don’t remember the specifics of the emu. I just feel pretty sure if happened while I was at an emu farm with my grandpa once. The baby shark happened at the zoo.

What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever bought for someone?
Urm. Probably when I spent a few hundred dollars on an ex getting him a ds xl and some games years ago.
I do a lot of making gifts now a days. I prefer to give the gift of love and handmade items ;)

Which 3 countries would you LEAST like to live in and why?
I really wouldn’t even know where to start in this. What three countries treat women the worst? Obviously I don’t want to live somewhere that will degrade me for my gender or restrict my freedoms because I’m a woman.

If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why?
This is hard. I want to say I would eliminate hatred because without hatred, the world would hold a lot less pain. However, I believe a lot of the time the bad is necessary for us to fully appreciate the good. Except that is changing people. Not the world. So I guess if there’s one thing I could change in this world it would be people? Lol

If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in 3 additional languages, which would you choose?
Latin, Gaelic, and Dutch.
I took Latin in high school and enjoyed it a lot. It also taught me a lot about grammar and the English language. I need to get back to studying it. :). (Plus as the root for multiple languages, I’d be able to recognize words in various languages with at least some understanding and probably be able to pick up those languages easier if I chose to do so.)
I have wanted to learn Gaelic for years. I guess I have a passion for dead languages. I guess I don’t want to see them dead. Haha.
Dutch is just random. I have a crochet pattern written in Dutch, so being able to read it would help lol.

Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A: Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B: Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C: Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged?
Probably B. If I can just be myself, but a little more intelligent and a lot more rich that would be pretty cool. ;). I don’t know if I am what society would call ugly or pretty. What I do know is that the only persons opinion that really matters on that front is my own. I’m the one that has to live with my face, my body, my mind, and my soul. So bring it on. I’ll still learn to love myself. :)

What are the top 10 movies to make you cry? (Or at least make you sad!)
I don’t even know. :-S I mostly watch comedy or action. I like to smile, not be sad!

What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail.
When I was about 17 I had a nightmare that I was attacked by this man. I remember being naked and afraid. I remember that he was going to rape me. I remember running away, running past cops that had gotten to the house by this point. Running, I don’t know where. When I woke up I could still feel the man’s weight against my body. As this was about 8 or 9 years ago, I’m kind of lacking details beyond this. I do remember the next night I slept with a ton of layers on. Shirt over shirt over shirt. I was still afraid. I still felt his weight. And sleeping was very difficult.

Many of my nightmares have been of me being either chased or attacked by men that I don’t know. A few times it’s been by someone I know. One time it was by someone I loved. So it’s a pretty reoccurring concept for me in my sleep I guess.

Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away?
I would definately rather raise 25. I like to think if I ever get my life together enough, that I will consider being a foster parent. I don’t know that I will ever have children of my own one day, though I do want to. But I do know that the future of this world lays in the hands of its children. So many children are raised to be damaged. They don’t know love and it shows.
Sure, love isn’t the only thing that they need to know. There are a LOT of things that are important to know. But it makes me really sad to think about HOW MANY children out there are family-less. Floating around in a system. Not being cared for.
I don’t want that for anyone.

Would you rather go on a relaxing beach type holiday to the Caribbean, a cultural holiday to Japan or an adventure packed holiday to South Africa?
Probably the Japan option. I’ve lived in Florida. I’ve seen beaches and I hate sand. Haha. South Africa just seems way too hot for me. And Japan would be really interesting and beautiful to see one day I’m sure!

If you went to a desert island for just 6 months but could only take one album with you, what would you take?
This is really hard to answer. I listen to music based on my mood. Which lately has had me listening to my high school favorites lately. BUT I think I’m going to go with Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion
it has songs on it that speak to a variety of moods that I experience. And I love to sing along. :)

Put these in order of your favourite movie genre to least: Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance?
Superhero, comedy, musical, dance, action, romance, drama, adventure, thriller, horror.

If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why?
Smell. I obviously need to see. I love colors and the vividness of life. I see beauty in the small details of things and I find my inner peace while looking at thosé beautiful details of this huge world surrounding us. I need to taste. I enjoy some foods and I enjoy baking and cooking sometimes. Without the ability to taste the things I’m making, I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing those things that I feel passionate about. Touch is also very important for me. I could probably live without hearing. But some smells I wouldn’t mind one bit living without. ;) hahaha

What have been the top 3 most brilliant days of this year? Describe them in as much or as little detail as you like.
I’m sure they’ve all been in the past few weeks. Despite how busy I am (and how it’s only going to get worse :( this coming week) My anxiety is no longer overwhelming and some days I don’t feel it at all. It’s the most wonderful feeling.

What do you believe we as human beings take most for granted in this world?
Time. When you lose people that you love in the world at a young age, you really feel the clock tick. You make decisions based on happiness, not what is necessarily the societal norm. You take pay cuts if it means enjoying your life and your work. And you love as much as you can. Because you know you are never guaranteed tomorrow.
We take time for granted. We focus on goals and lists of things that we HAVE to do. We miss out on the beauty around us. The beauty inside all of us. Because we are too focused on everything else.

How many concerts have you been to in your life and which was your favourite?
Urm… I really don’t know. I’ve been to a few, not a whole lot. My favorite are usually at festivals and such. Warped tour, the celtic festival, etc. I enjoy being able to hear different bands and have different experiences. Plus at festivals it’s all about the company I’m with as well. Which is just as important as good music and fun :)

Hope you all are well-

Last updated June 25, 2015

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