Ungrateful people and broke as a joke in A new beginning

  • Nov. 17, 2013, 6:55 p.m.
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**It seems like it is just one thing after another when it comes to money. A couple weeks ago Jesse lost his job. This always seems to happen right before my birthday and Christmas. I turned 27 last wed the 13th and even though I didn't do anything I can at least say it was better than last years. The surgeon I work for had flowers delivered and a couple people put a balloon on my chair and got me a card. Even though we are pretty broke Jesse got me some roses, a card and a cake which I totally wasn't expecting. Of course I have some medical bills that keep coming in, and this morning I woke up to my glasses broken in two. Lovely. And Lilly and I need winter jackets. I know we'll figure something out but geez, please no more money spending surprises!

it ceases to amaze me how ungrateful some people are. Especially the patients that are on medicaid at my work. I am completely serious when I say the majority think the whole world owes them everything and are complete asses. Not to mention drug addicts. Recently our state medicaid program has put a restriction on the amount of narcotics they will pay for. Anything after a 14 day prescription, needs a prior authorization which can take up to a month to get approved. I absolutely HATE doing prior auths. Especially for people that have JUST had surgery. This guy that had surgery needed a prior auth but he had his surgery at the hospital and not our surgery center so I couldn't do it without my surgeon's signature. Of course she is at the hospital all day so I had to call the OR and tell them to do it and they are all idiots over there and said she was doing it when that never happened. So meanwhile, I have the pharmacy and the patient blowing up my phone about it and he is there at the pharmacy waiting for it. Well, as I said, a prior auth is not instant and takes usually a couple days to a month to go through I told him if he doesn't want to wait he can pay cash. He seemed fine with that and told his girlfriend they could do that and then I heard her start screaming and swearing and he goes "Uh never mind we don't have the money" Which was clearly bullshit but whatever. So I end up getting the insurance on the phone and wait 20 minutes all while my voicemails were piling up and patients were at my desk and finally they said they could override it if I have the pharmacy call and do it. So I did and then called him back to tell him and he's all annoyed and goes "mmhmm" No thank you or anything after I just spend two hours just so he could get his pain medication and not spend the $15 out of pocket . You're welcome douche.

Had another girl also on medicaid call asking if she can get acrylic nails and wanted a script for ibuprofen 800 mg. She just had a perc pinning a few weeks ago and is in a cast. She still has the pins in so I told her that she could not get acrylics until the pins were out but she could have a script for ibuprofen. She flipped out saying she didn't understand why she couldn't get them and I told her she was risking infection by getting them and she was still pissed and of course not even a thank you and got hung up on. What I don't understand is, you can't afford a $3 bottle of ibuprofen but you can afford $50+ for acrylics? Actually you can get ibuprofen at the freaking dollar store if you really want to. Priorities are a bitch sometimes I guess.

Had this guy call in the other day and left me a message saying "I don't know if you've been trying to call me but I have a new number now so this is it" I look in the system and see that he had an appointment the following day so I called him back to make sure he knew and verified the number in our system was no longer good. He goes "Oh no I don't have that one no more. I don't have my computer anymore. I got to make sure I put a password on my wifi so people can't use it for child porn this time! The police took my computer so I have a different number now".Then he called me back and was like "Oh I can make that appointment after all. But if I DON'T come in...it's because I went to my former anger management counselor's funeral. He was the only one that ever understood me, unlike some people". I was like "Oh ok. Well that's understandable." Yeah...dude never showed for his appointment and hasn't called back. Probably a good thing but he wasted an appointment someone else could have used.

Maybe I'll get lucky and win the lottery one of these days and not have to deal with ungrateful people anymore. I would spend my time volunteering for people that actually need the help and are appreciative. That would be a nice change.

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