Bipolar toddlers in A new beginning

  • Nov. 24, 2013, 1 a.m.
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Got through another crazy work week. My surgeon was working out of a different clinic on wednesday and towards the end of the day sent me an email titled Questions?? She was like have you been too busy to email me or have you really handled everyone without any issues?? It was a pretty busy day like usual but there wasn't anything I felt urgent to ask her. I hate having to ask questions through email when she doesn't have access to the notes. It's hard to explain sometimes but I do my best with what I have.

I will be glad if/when Lilly gets out of the terrible twos. Granted she just turned 2 in September but geez this child likes to test every bit of patience I have left. She is so particular about everything. All of her figures and toys have to be lined up in a certain order she chooses and she has to pick out her clothes and shoes now. I keep going back and forth on if I want to have another baby or not. Right now we could absolutely not have another one so it wouldn't be for a while anyway. Last night Jesse asked Lilly

"Do you want a baby brother?" "Yeah!!" "Do you want a baby sister?" "Yeah!!" "Do you even know what a baby brother or sister is?" "No!"

haha. That child. She got pissed last night because I wouldn't let her kick the cat. Sorry, I know he's 20 lbs and all but I think he deserves better kid. She is usually pretty good with them. Last weekend when we got back from my mom's the first thing she did was give Max a big hug. We watched a video last night of a cat and a bird together and she tried unsuccessfully many times to get the cat out of the video. She really wanted to hug him. It was cute. Got to love how bipolar toddlers are.

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