Flags in Postcards 4

  • May 26, 2015, 4:35 p.m.
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  • Public

Many years ago, I photographed a Garrison sized flag on the side of a dry dock. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the American flag glowed in the sunshine. I thought I could use the photograph on my blog for The Fourth of July and other holidays. I saved it to my Photohost, and I used it often over the years.

Computers being computers, mine crashed and I lost the original on my hard drive. A few years later, on a following memorial day, I took a picture of bundled flags at our national cemetery. They caught my eye as they sat on a corner waiting to be picked up. That shot was also lost in a computer crash. I lost a lot of wonderful pictures over the years before I discovered the ease of owning a back-up hard drive. By then I had grown accustomed to photographing every flag I saw.

Though I reconstructed that both those images as best I could from Snapfish, they had bio-degraded in their travels. Today, knowing that all things change, I went up to Fort Rosecrans in hopes of finding bundled flags. I found wads of flags, groups of flags, gatherings but not tied bundles. I found no uniformed boy scouts but groups of impaired kids gathering the flags up. Efficiently too. They didn’t mind if I shot the flags, but not themselves. So I did. Happily.

  • Himself: Wanted a lazy, do nothing day. So he cleaned out his closet, and he played games on his computer. He cooked his first stead on his new BBQ too.
  • Herself: Kind of wanted to do a local road trip, but, you know, I enjoyed the quiet too. Today the pool, shot some flags, wrote this, and still considering going back to school. Making a giant antipasto for the evening shop meeting.
  • Reading: Still old Cadell’s. Had to replace one 1968 volume as it fell apart in my hands. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/elizabeth-cadell/
  • Balance: Lite reading.

Zipster May 26, 2015

It's nice to know that they re-use them. I wonder where they are stored?

MageB Zipster ⋅ May 26, 2015

In Black plastic bins. I have a picture. :)

Zipster MageB ⋅ May 26, 2015

Of course you do! But are they stored on the grounds? In a warehouse. By the government?

MageB Zipster ⋅ May 27, 2015

I do not know.

Hillbilly Princess May 27, 2015

Narrator May 27, 2015

I like the new shot - it's got the same gravitas as the top one.

MageB Narrator ⋅ May 28, 2015

Thank you...and better focus too.

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