A Bauer Pot in Postcards 4

  • May 21, 2015, 11:55 a.m.
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  • Public

Bauer Black, Vintage, Mid-Century Jardine Vase.

I thought it just a dirty, black bowl and passed it by. Later in the morning, I took a couple of photographs of it then turned it over. Bauer, it said. I knew that Bauer was one of the best of the California potters, and I even own two of their largest bowls. As I left the store, I pointed out to one of our volunteers that the bowl had water spots and needed washing.

This morning, after the gym and breakfast, I tried to look up this bowl on the internet. In an hour of research, I found only one similar bowl, but it had no price. Other black pieces run from seventy five dollars to a hundred something. I think I will run down to the store this morning to make sure it got washed and priced fairly and get it up off floor level. That might be nice.

  • Himself: Tidy house, Gym, work, planning something for after dinner.
  • Herself: Managed to get started half an hour late, but got a pot roast started in my new slow cooker that I have been afraid to use…everything in the old one came out dark brown.
  • Reading: The new Hillerman. So far good.
  • Balance: Sprinkles and black skies.

Narrator May 21, 2015

Let us know about how the pot roast turned out - it sounds like a delightful end to the day. :)

Zipster May 21, 2015

That's a beautiful Bauer; how tempting. I hope someone who truly appreciates it buys it.

Hillbilly Princess May 21, 2015

aunty EM May 21, 2015

What fun to make Discoveries in your shop...LOL

NorthernSeeker May 21, 2015

Don't you feel the thrill of discovery when someone brings in a piece like the Bauer?

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