rith-ma-tic in Words that Rhyme

  • May 5, 2015, 12:30 p.m.
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  • Public

numbers are a silly thing
they start at one two three
teachers always tried to say
how important they can be

seven was a lucky one
and so was twenty-three
odd they say both they are
if odd can numbers be

I never liked to divide them up
you would end up with a dot
If you had to multiply
confusing more than not

some of them went together
like a six was twice of three
but nineteen to an eight lets say
is beyond the thoughts of me

There’s other things with math I think
like something they call pi
to tell that number to a friend
will last until you die

divide the adds that you subtract
and multiply by three
and if it makes no sense at all
a philosopher you shall be…

Last updated May 12, 2015

Park Row Fallout May 05, 2015

I can almost see this poem being published in a geometric shape-by-stanza fashion. Oh Math... so important, so tedious :p

colojojo May 06, 2015

very clever :)

Wolfy11 May 13, 2015

Numbers are my enemy, but this was fun :)

invisible ink Wolfy11 ⋅ May 13, 2015

I guess that is the whole point. Turns things around and make fun of them....

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