Front Page Makeover in Site Updates

  • Nov. 19, 2013, 11:39 p.m.
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  • Public

You might notice that the landing page you see when not logged into Prosebox has been altered significantly. While I have enjoyed the humorous elements (e.g. fake testimonials) that have been there since the site was first conceived, I thought it was time to make it look more like a real writing community website, and not just a parody of one.

Prosebox is now on a mission of self-discovery, trying to free itself from associations with any other websites. It is its own entity, and as such needs to find its own place on search engines. I'm hoping this is the first step towards search engine optimization, allowing people who are entirely new to writing communities or Prosebox to discover this site via search.

We'll see how it goes. :)

Deleted user November 19, 2013

As one of--what, five?--people here not from the place that shall not be named, I wish you well on this endeavor. It would be nice to have some more party-crashers up in here.

Deleted user November 19, 2013

Sorry but I didn't notice the change. I was going to ask you about something...but I've clearly forgotten what it was. Damn. See this is what grief does, it robs you of everything but the sorry..s'okay, I commented to someone earlier about it that I'd been meaning to ask you about it.. I'll scour my notes to remind me what it was..not notes..this isn't the OD (Overtly Dumbass)...comments...I'll scour my comments for it.

Deleted user November 19, 2013

That should say sorrow. Never take meds and type.

Deleted user November 20, 2013

You know what..the issue isn't an issue anymore so I don't have any issues to bring up. Carry on.wayward son.

kalakri November 20, 2013

No more Leroy Jenkins testimonial??!! :(

simple mind kalakri ⋅ November 20, 2013

It was sad to remove such a masterpiece.

king of i November 20, 2013

Does the SEO optimization extend to our posts, or only the homepage? Because I'd rather not have my posts accessed through search, if possible -- that was one of the appeals of whisper the other place end whisper for me.

Deleted user king of i ⋅ November 20, 2013

If your entries are Members Only or Friends Only or Drafts, the search engines won't see them. Only Public entries show up on Google.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ November 20, 2013

Actually entries are blocked now too from Google's main search indexer.

simple mind king of i ⋅ November 20, 2013

No, I've blocked user content from being indexed. This is for the landing page. Technically I guess entry previews that show up on that page would be part of search results, but that would only be public entries.

king of i simple mind ⋅ November 23, 2013

OK, that's what I figured but thought it'd be worth asking. Thanks for the quick reply!

Leslie Bruce November 20, 2013

I think it looks great. I like that you can hide the news.

Deleted user November 20, 2013

I can't tell.. what is wrong with me!

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ November 20, 2013

You wouldn't see it unless you log out of the site.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ November 21, 2013

slaps head and blushes

Deleted user November 20, 2013

I like it a lot. You're making it clear what your target audience is, and what features the site has for writers. When you get that writer's guild stuff going, I'll bet you'll see the site shift from being just "OD Lifeboat" to "Prosebox".

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ November 20, 2013

Thanks! I'm going more the Figment route since it kept popping up in my search results while testing out key words.

hoops November 20, 2013

May the Force be with you.

simple mind hoops ⋅ November 20, 2013


Deleted user November 20, 2013

james ensor December 02, 2013

It's fucking awesome to see PB grow and evolve. I wish it well. Lifeboat? More like LIFE OF THE PARTY BOAT.

I mean, what?

simple mind james ensor ⋅ December 02, 2013

Heh, thank you sir.

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