ugh in --

  • April 19, 2015, 3:48 a.m.
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  • Public

Neither of my kids has ever thrown up… Until today. Lorelei randomly threw up after breakfast. All over the floor, herself, and me. She woke up at 6.30 this morning. I got like 4 hours of sleep, and she woke up a few times and so did Cannon. He was running a temperature which has now turned into a cold. His nose is runny. But I think perhaps Lorelei shared her virus with him, since she had those things the week before last.

It also hurts when she nurses ever since she got her top two teeth in. ;(

So. I haven’t had a chance to eat or wash my face… Which is typical. But still. I like to feel human.

I still have no idea when I will get to start my paper that is due on Monday.

I dunno, life is pretty difficult lately.

I guess I should be more grateful. I feel guilty a lot that I fantasize about not being here.

Deleted user April 19, 2015

Poor babies!!!! Poor mama!!!!

Nomad of the North April 19, 2015

You'll make it though. I don't know any moms of young kids who don't feel like you. If they don't, they are lying.

LyrRoraH April 19, 2015

I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow by midnight. I think I've written the first paragraph. I should be working on it now but I just don't want to look at it. Lyric has been coughing quite a bit these last few days and I am terrified that she's going to get the nasty tummy bug going around. I got it on Wednesday and it was AWFUL.

Small Town Girl April 19, 2015

Neither of your kiddos has ever thrown up!? Wow. That amazes me! Ugg, not washing my face in the morning is the grossest feeling in the world! I hate a greasy face!!

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