you like in Kellie's Stuff

  • March 23, 2015, 3:18 p.m.
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  • Public

you like me for my legs and ass
you think it’s funny instead of crass
pretty goth photo: pretty goth girl 15.jpg
it’s just a joke no feelings hurt
you may be wrong I assert
pretty goth photo: Leather Boots and a Halo 223387_10150596325635220_758670219_18487269_2532654_n.jpg
yes I like to dress my way
doesn’t mean that you should say
I am a slut or want a lay.
sexy goth photo: sexy goth Goth-1-2.jpg
I like to show a little leg
but look in silence is what I beg
pretty goth photo: goth DolLy_XIX_by_HopTuNaa.jpg
be discreet or maybe nice
lookings free go do it twice
disrespect or sleezy words
this will be the pic deserved
nun photo: Nun Fire & Brimstone 1 NunFireBrimstoneIcon.jpg

Deleted user March 23, 2015

Nice. :)

Deleted user March 23, 2015

I love the hair styles!

colojojo March 23, 2015

Love the pics. First, third, and fishnets. All my style :) i just don't wear them as much as id like.. That whole kinda outfit.

Great entry, the words. Just all of it

Deleted user March 23, 2015


Deleted user March 24, 2015

As sexy as they are, I wouldn't fuck with them. They'll cut me.

invisible ink Deleted user ⋅ March 24, 2015

sure you dangerously...

Deleted user invisible ink ⋅ March 24, 2015

I don't recall ever wanting to get cut but OKAY! :D You only live once! lol

invisible ink Deleted user ⋅ March 24, 2015

no no no...... just kidding..... if you wish to live dangerously ..go parasailing....

Waiting For Sunrise March 25, 2015

This made me smile, especially the first two lines, and I love the first picture :) To be honest though, I think I would likely take any male interest only as a compliment!

Mr. Mofo Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ March 25, 2015

Especially if the dude is dressed up as the classical creepy clown! She has a thing for creepy clowns, everybody!

invisible ink Mr. Mofo ⋅ March 25, 2015

I cannot fathom why you do not post. I find you very entertaining and I am probably missing many comments on pages I never visit....

Mr. Mofo invisible ink ⋅ March 25, 2015

In all honesty I have nothing worth saying and I hide that behind humor...some damn fine humor If I may so so myself.

invisible ink Mr. Mofo ⋅ March 25, 2015

damn fine is right...

Waiting For Sunrise Mr. Mofo ⋅ March 25, 2015

People, this is a cautionary tale.

DO NOT arrange to meet shady guys on for wild nights of whisky-drunk passion in seedy motels. They will stand you up and then expose your secret sexual fetishes to the world..

-sobs into the scissor-shredded remnants of her clown costume-

invisible ink Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ March 25, 2015

very funny

Mr. Mofo March 25, 2015

Why? Why must you tease me and my nun fetish?!?

invisible ink Mr. Mofo ⋅ March 25, 2015

I posted a beautiful for you in my last post.....and not a word.... I am crushed....

Deleted user March 25, 2015

Good one.

Deleted user March 27, 2015

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