symptoms in Baby Stuff

  • Nov. 13, 2013, 10:03 a.m.
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I took another test this morning. Still positive!

This pregnancy is already a lot different from the one I had with Cannon. The week before I found out with him, I woke up with weird tastes in my mouth, was so tired that I fell asleep at work during the kids' nap time, more nauseated, more crampy, and I felt "swollen" and sex hurt a lot. This time I'm hardly having any cramping, sex doesn't hurt, I'm tired but not so tired that I can't function, I'm a bit light-headed sometimes but nothing too bad, and I'm only slightly nauseated (last week I did have a day where I was very nauseated, but nothing more than that). I'm also waking up at night a few times, and usually for an hour. So that's what's making me tired. My nipples are sore.

I'm glad it's not knocking me on my butt this time because I have a toddler to care for!

I'm just hoping that not really having a lot of symptoms isn't a bad thing. I'm kind of freaking out about that... I've heard that all pregnancies are different and whatnot. I just really want to know that everything is normal. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday... I wish it wasn't so far away! But they couldn't get me in before that.

Last time I was pregnant, I cut coffee totally out of my diet until the third trimester... I can't seem to do this time. I'm drinking decaf coffee from Trader Joe's. I feel bad about it. :

Relish November 13, 2013

I'm glad you are feeling better so far! I don't think there's anything wrong with some decaf coffee while pregnant. I think even 1 cup of normal coffee is ok during pregnancy. I couldn't stand the taste of it during pregnancy so it was easy to cut out lol

Deleted user November 13, 2013

My sister... The first time around she was pregnant... SHe was sick 5-8 times a day. This time around shes not NEARLY as bad as she was. Maybe your having a girl since everything is different :O Dont be too worried. My sister's pregnancy is still super different and shes passed the 12 week mark. Is it ridiculous that im still overly excited that your pregnant again??? :p Hopefully my body is that good to me when my time comes for another one.

martian princess Deleted user ⋅ November 13, 2013

I hope it does for you too! TTC was super stressful and I'd only been doing it for a few weeks. Heh. And then I will live vicariously through you because I will miss being pregnant! <3 I'm happiest when I'm pregnant, even though sometimes it totally sucks.

Fawkes Gal November 14, 2013

Decaf coffee should be fine, I wouldn't worry about it so much. :) I'm so excited for you and your future little squishy!

TrippyNina December 11, 2013

I didn't drink coffee with my first pregnancy but I am with this second one. I try to keep it under 16ounces a day.

martian princess TrippyNina ⋅ December 11, 2013

Well, I can't drink coffee anymore. ;( I have an aversion to it. I tried some yesterday and it just made me sick, but I'm disappointed because I really miss coffee.

Hypnotica February 18, 2014

Did you have the symptoms from very early pregnancy? I'm curious as to how early some people get them. I'm in the post ovulation two week wait and I am getting cramps, so tired and SO HUNGRY. I know its probably coincidence but can't help symptom spotting!

martian princess Hypnotica ⋅ February 18, 2014

I thought I had pms about two weeks to a week and a half before I was supposed to have a period. I never feel "different" when I'm pregnant, it feels exactly like I'm going to have a period. I know I'm not very helpful! But I certainly hope you get a positive soon! :)

martian princess Hypnotica ⋅ February 18, 2014

I should also mention that my periods have never been regular.

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