pretty places on empty faces in Book of Lies.....

  • Feb. 5, 2015, 1:55 p.m.
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There is more needed than looking at pictures of places to satisfy ones wanderlust.
tropical photo: tropical sunset-palm.jpg

Yes it is lovely to look at and the colors are stimulating. But can you smell the salt in the air and feel the trade winds on your face?
sunset photo: sunset beach-dusk.jpg

Do you actually feel the heat on your face as you look to the setting sun. Feel the sand on your barefeet as it cools now that sun has decided to go it’s way for another day?
Pictures of streams in the forest are lovely but I cannot hear the babble of the water or feel the cool and damp under the umbrella of trees
smokey mountains photo:  100_1471.jpg
There is not sweat on my brow from making my way up the trails to open vistas that break suddenly from the forest dark
smokey mountains photo:  IMG_01991.jpg
The world cannot only come in pixels and electric images of what I hope to see. It must live and breathe as do I. I must leave my footprints in the sand. The sand must remember I was there.
beach photo: beach sjfgd.jpg

Otherwise we are no more than the screen that lights our nights and lies to us saying have our lives fulfilled living as images in someone elses mind.
alone computer photo: alone ALONE.jpg

Last updated February 05, 2015

Skikkles911 February 05, 2015

An experience is certainly vastly different from a mere glance.

invisible ink Skikkles911 ⋅ February 05, 2015

Yes I have held myself very short of experiences lately. The actual last time I truly traveled was a two week vacation in florida in 2013. I hunger for change.

Waiting For Sunrise February 05, 2015

Really pretty, and slightly haunting... I hope you are already planning your next visit to the wider horizons you crave.

invisible ink Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ February 05, 2015

I truly do desire a simple existence soon. My labors in life may end up with a straw hat, Hawaiian shirt with a tiki hut to call home... and I will be the richest of all around me....

Park Row Fallout February 05, 2015

:) Travel, despite the pain and expense sometimes attached, is so awesome. Even if only for a few days, getting out and experiencing a new place can be refreshing. I hope this year (for all people) that we take more vacation time, enjoy our lives a little more, and experience travel... not just photos.

invisible ink Park Row Fallout ⋅ February 06, 2015

Agreed my friend.

Deleted user February 06, 2015

GORGEOUS nature pics, especially the first two. :)

invisible ink Deleted user ⋅ February 06, 2015

Love them all ...enjoy both for relaxation... altho you can't get eaten by as bear on the beach... :o)

Deleted user invisible ink ⋅ February 06, 2015

You might like this site.

invisible ink Deleted user ⋅ February 06, 2015

I look at wallpaper all the time to change up my screens.... and to look at the art....

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