Australia Day! in Adventures in paradise

  • Jan. 26, 2015, 8:37 a.m.
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Ergh, wrote a huge-ass entry and lost of the lot when my internet decided to randomly disconnect, as it does from time to time. It was a pretty epic entry too, but now I couldn’t be fucked.

Australia Day was pretty good. Got a surprise this morning when I saw this out the back door whilst I was fixing myself breakfast.
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I hadn’t seen one of those bastards in over a year! Anyway I went and made a cup of tea, and when I looked up again, the turkey was replaced by a cat. I thought I must’ve still been half-asleep. It wasn’t the friendly fat cat that hangs around here all the time. It was a thinner grey one. I watched it peer into the fish pond for a while, then it got bored and wandered off.

I attempted to go to South Bank today, but it was way too hot to attempt crossing the bridge on foot. I know what I’m like. My body is still on night-clock - not so much my mind but my body is, and I knew I’d burn to a crisp just on the short walk over there. I then attempted to go hat-shopping, as I realized I didn’t own a hat, but got annoyed with that because all the places that sell hats were all SO unfashionable or had stupid teenage lingo on them like “SWAG SWAG” “HOLLA” or “BAD BOY”. Mind you, I did used to wear a “Bad boy” cap as a kid, but Christ that must’ve been 20 years ago now :P
So I gave up on that, although I was amused the Daiso sold some pretty lame hats that would’ve done the job for $2.80. Better than the $50 the big-gun stores were trying to scam you for. I mean, if you didn’t care about looking like an absolute wanker, you’d go for the $2.80 wide-brimmed straw hat, but hey, fuck that :P

I ended up being a responsible adult (ERGH) and did my grocery shopping, as I realized today was the last day I could claim a savings coupon, so I did that and realized I’ll save $15 next time I shop instead of the $10 I was expecting. Woohoo. Small mercies I guess. Being an adult is SO boring when savings on a coupon get me excited. I mean, really.

I lugged my groceries home and listened to the rest of the JJJ Hottest 100, which was pretty cool. Chet Faker took it out. In fact, he pretty much owned the Top 10. Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” was disqualified due to a big company promoting it. It’s not really a Taylor station anyway. In fact, Triple J isn’t my sort of station either as it’s too Indie for me. I only ever listen on Australia Day to hear the best of the Indie from the previous year and I listened in Tasmania because it was the only station the radio on my hire car could pick up haha.

It’s only Nick and I living here again for now. It’s good. I spent most of the day in my underwear, obviously other than when I went out. It’s like I said to Nick tonight, “I’m sorry, but it’s WAY too hot for clothes.”
We had a little bit of a conversation, so that was good. I wouldn’t say we’re friends as well as housemates, but he’s a pretty cool guy. I told him the 17yo probably isn’t moving in, and he agreed that he looked intimidated by us haha. We couldn’t decide if he was just shy or intimidated, but I didn’t really get a shy vibe from him.

I did go to the gym tonight, so that was good. Had a pretty decent session. I just checked myself on my scales and I weigh 91.5kg. Holy shit, like I never thought that would ever happen when I was back at a skinny-runt 70kg in my mid 20’s. I don’t think I look too bad, but I don’t think I look amazing either.
I now have a headache though for some reason. Probably the stupid heat. Thank God Nick turned on the aircon upstairs. Both of our rooms run on the same zone, so when he turns it on in his room, it goes into mine as well. I turned the other zone off, as nobody is in those two vacant rooms until we get another housemate in.

Also, beats me why the hell our Prime Minister gave a Knighthood Of Australia honour to Prince Phillip. He’s not even an Aussie! Then again, neither is our Prime Minister.

Don’t think I did too bad re-writing this. I promise my other entry was more entertaining. I wrote about my respect for Aboriginal people and their history a lot more.

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