Moving On... in Just Moments

  • Feb. 11, 2015, 9:14 p.m.
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~I’m definitely having one of those days… Where nothing seems to go right for you… Where no matter what you do everything just gets so f***ed up and then there is nothing you can do because the damage is done. I’m just really frustrated at the whole ideal. I really wanted things to go OK with week, but instead it started off horribly with a death in the family. Yeah 6 AM and already my week started off like shit. Then you add in work… Which is always busy for me, but for some reason I just don’t want to be there. I’m not happy and I feel like I should just quit. I would never do such a thing but I kinda feel that way. I really don’t know why I’m feeling this way about it, its not like things have been bad lately, we are just always busy. I literally had 60 emails on Monday that I didn’t read until Tuesday. And I usually only get maybe 15-20 a day. To say the least I was a little overwhelmed. Then I’ve been forgetting stuff lately at work, and this is so not in my character. I have a good memory, almost to the point where it could be borderline photographic. But for some reason, I can’t seem to remember anything, well I remember somethings but others just slip through the cracks. I don’t get it and this also frustrates me.

~Then you have my volleyball team. I love playing sports and because of my knee injury I can’t play too many anymore competitively. But volleyball I can. And I’m pretty decent. I have a good serve and have found my role as lead setter on my team. And the other members of the team also understand that and they often rely on me to do well so the team does better. If your not familiar with volleyball, the setter is the person who gives the ball to the hitters in a place where they are going to make a good hit, or well that’s what’s supposed to happen. I know my role and I’m good at it. I don’t pretend to be the best player on the team because I know that I’m not, but I’m the best setter we have and tonight for some reason they just weren’t letting me be setter. It was just weird. They know that’s where I play best and it just wasn’t happening. Idk… I wish I did… Next week is our last week, maybe I should be happy about that, but honestly I love playing volleyball and I don’t want it to end. But everything ends eventually… and all we can do is move on…

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