The Reason for Being in Laughing in Circles

  • Aug. 8, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
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There's a purpose for this blog. As a matter of fact, I had my opening all prepared. I was ready to go -ask anyone! And yet, here I sit with my mental wheels spinning in gray matter. It's all part of what I deal with. I have Migraine Associated Vertigo. Laymen's explanation is that while most people get debilitating pain with their migraines, I get to experience dizziness, or true vertigo right along with it. That's right - I'm a dizzy brunette. When I say I'm drunk on life, it's not just a figure of speech. Unfortunately, these migraines have led to some vestibular loss, which means that there is always some level of unsteadiness. The forgetfulness, well....that's all part and parcel. My body is so busy doing the work of translating visual and postural information into something my brain can make sense of, that those things that aren't quite so important as, say, my husband's name or my street address, are only accessible through some Herculean mental gymnastics. An example of how it often comes off: "Of course, Mrs. G. What is your daughter's date of birth?" "Okay - give me a second! I know this one!"

The purpose of this blog. Right. Look -let's face it. This shit can get pretty depressing pretty fast. I don't have time for that. I am 50 years young, and am only a few years away from having my husband of 30 years all to myself, and a paid off home. THIS is where life begins, dammit! So, my strategy is to spin joy out of the tonnage of straw that make up the symptoms of vestibular migraine.

Because I have too many opportunities to complain, this place is being reserved as a sort of snapshot album of my successes, stolen moments of joy, and laughter. Personal peace and balance despite Migraine Associated Vertigo.

So, enjoy it, dammit!

MJ's Page August 08, 2013

:snicker: But wait....there's more.

Linda August 08, 2013

So glad you are here, dizzy and all, to write about those things.

MJ's Page Linda ⋅ August 08, 2013

I'll have my regular page......but I needed a place to send people. Support boards out there are depressing as hell. I had to quit going because a rocking chair was growing under my ass, and I was on the verge of using new hillbilly phrases of my own creation like, 'Ah've got me the 'graine, agin!' Can be having that!

sparklespeterson August 08, 2013

Thanks for the comment:)

Deleted user August 09, 2013

as one dealing with the aftermath of brain injury (forgetfulness included!) i love the idea of this book. your point of view is inspiring.

LordSnooty August 09, 2013

that's weird I have never ever heard of Migraine Associated Vertigo. I myself sometimes inflicted with migraines but that's just strange.

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