NoJoMo 18 -- Define "Forgive" in The Common Room

  • Nov. 19, 2014, 5:13 p.m.
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Prompt –How easy is it for you to forgive those who have caused you pain?

I don’t really believe in heaven or hell or judgment. I believe that when spirits (souls, whatever) discorporate they rest and heal for an indeterminate period before taking up life again – kind of a recycling project – a turning of the wheel of life.

I have learned to forgive easily. Carrying a grudge is poison to my own being. (I have been busy today forgiving that head-in-the-sand wackadoodle)

However, forgiveness does not mean stupidity. In the case of those who purposely harm the innocent …

Let’s just say that I support recycling.

Deleted user November 19, 2014

I tend to find that being less forgiving works better for me, but this is probably because my experience with forgiving has often backfired and been taken advantage of. Those I've forgiven seem to think it's a ticket to repeat their mistakes. I just keep in mind that the bad things people do are a part of who they are, which is unlikely to change, and so that's why it's best to walk away for good. Obviously, however, there is a big difference between forgiving someone for spilling a drink on my carpet, than one who stole from me.

MageB November 20, 2014

Gotta forgive ourselves too. :)

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