Milan in All Good Things

  • Nov. 25, 2014, 12:44 p.m.
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Milan hurt. A lot.

I can say it ended well, because it did. This past weekend was one of the most emotional and meaningful weekends of my life, and in the end everything was close to perfect, so much more so than I could ever have imagined it. All I’d wanted was for the tour to end well, so it was a very big relief.

So much crying. Everybody. Even our big strong leading men were bawling their eyes out during their final curtain calls, and managed to break me when I thought I had no more tears left to shed. But then everything was healed with love and hugs and laughter and more hugs and although today we all had to say goodbye, I don’t feel like I’ve lost everything.

Well, not quite.

Far too much happened to go into. Much of it was traumatic, some of it was horrific, but the rest was glorious wonder and beauty. Such amazing people that I’ve shared the past year with! Some of them I know I will love forever.

As for one of them....

He’s back tonight with his wife and baby son. Which is as it should be.

But last night he was mine.

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