Bris in Procrastination Journal

  • May 31, 2014, 11:07 a.m.
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I got invited to a Bris!

My classmate had his new son a week ago. This Sunday they're having his Bris (circumcision & naming). He invited all the people in our club (Interfaith Club, which I barely attend any more and only went to because our LoA member is back in town).

This is so cool!

I'm wondering about a gift. I read somewhere that baby supplies are a good bet. They already have a 4-year-old, so they've probably got lots of baby stuff left over. So I'm thinking I'll go to the mall, get a newborn size onesie, and then have it embroidered with his name (since the naming is a big part of it).

He told us the name but I'm not sure if he's getting a special Jewish name too (the name he has is pretty Jewish itself).

So special! Babies!

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