stuff in --

  • Oct. 28, 2013, 1:51 p.m.
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I think most of my wardrobe waits for fall every year. I have a gazillion cardigans, skirts, and tights and I seem to keep buying more and more of them every year. Oops. Soon I will have more than I know what to do with.

I have one pair of Doc Martens that I wear with everything.

I suppose I should be happy that I can fit into this stuff, 'cause hopefully soon I won't be able to, if I manage to get pregnant in the next few months. Right now I'm savoring being able to fit into high-waisted stuff.

I have hardly any winter gear... normally what I wear in the winter are hoodies, jeans, and those stupid ugg-looking boots (they're awfully comfortable for how ugly they are). Normally I'm too cold to give a damn how I look. I severely dislike cold weather.

I started taking pre-natal vitamins and I'm trying to force myself to eat breakfast everyday, since all I normally have for breakfast is coffee, but I'm trying to cut down on caffeine and get more nutrients into my diet. I was good about this when I was pregnant with Cannon, but it's harder to eat better when I'm chasing a toddler around all the time and I don't want to put the effort into eating healthy. It's WAY easier to eat like crap, unfortunately. I don't know how I've managed to keep the weight I've lost off, because I'm constantly eating junk food. I'm a sweets junky, and it's Halloween... bad combination for trying to eat healthier.

Out of everyone in our house, Cannon's the one who eats healthiest. I make sure that I always have healthy things for him to eat... me, on the other hand, I just do what's easiest. Sigh. I gotta stop that.

I just ate Poptarts. I'm addicted... now I am going to go find some fruit.

Deleted user October 28, 2013

POP TARTS OMNOM. I need to keep remembering to take my multi-vitamins every day and i need to start walking more or doing some sort of exercise every day. If Eviee lets me :p

Fawkes Gal October 29, 2013

Eating good is so hard because it takes time to cook lean meats and veggies.

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