Mandy's birthday party/New Years Resolutions in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!

Revised: 10/12/2014 6:02 p.m.

  • Dec. 20, 2005, 8 a.m.
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Mandy’s Birthday Party/New Years Resolutions - 12/21/2005

<font color="#99ffcc">I think this is the first time I’ve never actually had time to update my diary!  The past few days have just been unreal, well particularly the weekend!  I was actually at the stage where I’d run into my room to jot down some pointers on a piece of paper, so that I’d remember to write them in my diary, before having to head off again.  I did actually have a chance to update last Saturday night after I got home, but I really wasn’t in the mood and I got distracted with damn myspace and gaydar lol.  Anyway better hop to it.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Saturday December 17th</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">I did an 8-6 shift today instead of my usual 9-7 because Damo (my perishables manager) was having a staff Christmas party at his house that night for his perishables staff, and allowed us to finish a bit early so that we could get there on time.  The previous night I had stayed up for a few hours early into the moring, writing everyone Christmas cards about what I thought about them and how special they are to me.  I had gone to the newsagents and bought 21 $1 scratchies, cos I knew there’d be 7 people attending, which meant 3 scratchies each, and stuck them in the cards, and then into the envelopes.  I put them on my desk and went to writing Christmas cards to my friends who I selected to send them to.  I had 10 stamps so I had to cut out a few people I really didn’t want to, but realised I had to.  Australia Post doesn’t like it when you don’t pay for their services :)  I was lucky I still had a few people’s addresses on my computer from when i asked for their address for my birthday plans last year, which never happened, but I kept the addy’s just incase - just as well i did!  It was good.  I also wrote in those cards a short jot about how I feel about those friends and how special they are to me, cos each and every one of them are.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">I got home from work rather quickly, and saw there was a package on my bed.  I’m not sure how the hell the postage service works, but lately I’ve been getting mail on Saturdays - I thought Aust. post didn’t trade on Sat’s - oh well.  I read the back and (even though I knew who it was from) it was from Sam, my best friend over in Perth.  I looked at the box for ages, wondering what was held inside.  Sam’s gotten me a birthday present (yes he was a bit late haha) every year for the last 3 or 4 years i think, and every time it’s something smart, so I was trying to guess what it could be.  It was a pretty big parcel, like you could fit a loaf of bread in it-size.  I opted to have a shower and get ready, so I did, and then looked at it some more, and decided to open it when I got home from Damo’s party.  I left the house, and said goodbye to Neville and his mum (she’s staying here for about 2 weeks i think, in the spare room - she seems pretty nice but I don’t really wanna go into talking about that), and I drove to Tash’s house, as I was giving her a lift to Damo’s.  We listened to my IRiver all the way there, and she seemed to like a few of the songs, which was cool cos I wanted her to like the music.  She’s a really cool friend, and workmate.  Only female in the department, although she wasn’t going to be the only one at the party because Louisa was going to be there (Dan’s girlfriend).  I’d written herr a card too, as well as Damo’s wife, Lyndie - I was good, I didn’t leave anyone out!  We arrived there after about a 30 minute hike across town, cos he’s on the southside, to find out Damo’s house didn’t exist on the refidex (anyone from the USA won’t know what that word means but hey, figure it out), so we had to guess where we were going.  Luckily we guessed right and found the street we were looking for.  Dan was already there and he and Damo greeted us at the front door.  Damo’s house was quite nice actually.  I have a 2004 refidex, and apparently the street and all the houses are only 2 years old, so that’s why they weren’t on there.  Amazing - cos that street is a major 4 lane road!  Damo and his wife (who is very nice and suits Damo perfectly) ushered us out the back to a table where there was a plate of dips and chips, most of which were already scoffed down by the other scavengers there haha.  Damo brought out some more though.  We all had to bring a plate of something to eat, so the party didn’t cost Damo an arm and a leg.  Damo and I had both worked that day, and I’d only finished an hour and a half before getting there, so I’d quickly bought a cheesecake on my final break at work, and brought it to the party.  Dan’s mum had made rumballs and a gorgeous salad - his mum does everything for him - even irons his clothes and stuff!  We were all paying him out cos we dunno what he actually does haha.  It was a realy good night!  I handed everyone their cards after a while, and they all scratched their scrathies - Damo, Dan and Matt all won $2 haha.  I scratched Trev’s, because he didn’t show up, and won $2 haha.  So all the staff except Tash won $2.  It was all good though.  Damo and his wife then showed us their wedding photos.  Gosh, their wedding was so beautiful!  And they’d managed to get all their photo’s, printouts and dvd  all for the day for under $2000 - that’s pretty amazing for wedding photos, well so I was told.  We laughed a lot and tried not to talk about work as much as possible.  Tash and i are amazed how much Louisa let’s Dan get away with :)  And Dan announced to Damo (which I already knew) that he and Louisa will be getting engaged early next year.  SO sweet - they are the cutest couple.  We left, as Damo had to work the next day, and I offered to drop Tash off into the valley, cos she was going out clubbing.  I did that, directed her to the valley, as I had to pull off on a side street cos the traffic was unreal, and hugged her goodbye.  I drove home and got on the net and read some favourites, trying to write the day’s happening’s, but it didn’t happen.  I had to be up early to catch a train the next day.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Sunday, December 18th</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">I got up before my alarm.  I always seem to when I’m excited about something happening the following day.  I got dressed in jeans and my new shirt I bought, which I really like - got it from Ed Harry for $20, grabbed Mandy’s present and headed for the train station.  I took about $20 cos I knew It’d cost a bit for the trip to Landsborough.  I remembered that it was half price on Sunday’s, so only really had to pay $9 for the whole day - sweet!  I had to catch the train to Caboolture, transfer to a nambour train and get off at landsbourough, where mandy and John were going to pick me up.  I tried for ages to find out when the next Caboolture train was coming, but they mustn’t turn the noise on on the machines til after 7am or something, cos none of them would work, or even show writing, so I just had to wait it out.  According to the timetable downstairs, the train would arrive at 6:32am.  I’d waited about 40 minutes.  Caught that train and got off at Caboolture, and went to platform 1 to catch the Nambour connecting train.  I waited....and waited…and waited.  I messaged John outta sheer boredom and made up a poem "Here I sit bored outta my brain, all cos I’m waiting for this fucking train!" - something like that.  I waited for AGES!  There were a few other ppl waiting for it as well.  Do you think it came?  Nope.  John called me at about 7:40am, and said to me, ‘umm Matt, guess what?  The next Nambour train doesn’t arrive until 8:42am!’ - I was like "you’re fucking kidding me, right?" - he’s like ‘nah i’m not bullshitting ya, I just rang transinfo."  God, so here I was having waited 40 minutes for one train, and then nearly 2 hours for another.  Luckily there was a 24 hour bakery across the road or I woulda gone insane.  I like eating when I’m bored.  The train finally got there and I boarded it, got off at landsbourough and sure enough, there was johnny waiting for me.  I gave him a hug and we walked, and Mandy was waiting at the car.  I nearly walked right past her!  I hadn’t seen her in so long that she looked completely different!  I gave her a big hug and I jumped in the car and off we went.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">She drove all the way to Kawana Waters, and right past the holiday resort that my family and I used to go to every year for our annual holidays while I was still in school.  It was great, and a gorgeous area.  I love it there.  It was such a hot day too, and Alex (one of Mandy’s kids) was in a kiddy seat in the backseat with me, sound asleep, with the window wound down, the wind wildly tossing his blonde hair.  It didn’t bother him at all - he slept through it all.  All the windows were down and the wind in my ears was droning out all conversation between John and Mandy, so I could barely hear them.  I think they asked me a few things, but I took the ‘smile-and-nod’ approach - i probably looked like a dickhead but hey I couldn’t hear em haha - nothing but wind in my ears - its so loud too!  I did hear them give me a warning though.  Johnny goes to me, "Umm Matt, we probably should tell you something…" and Mandy interrupts.."Will and Alan have come up."  My heart nearly sank to the floor of the car.  Will and Alan are an older gay couple from ipswich, who I’d never met before.  Alan was on my msn list, Will too, but Alan always said sexually explicit things he’d like to do to me, and I blocked him ages age.  Not only that, but he’s an ex convict.  He served 10 years in prison  - and you know why?  He apparently tried to blow up his ex wife by surrounding the house with gas bottles, whilst she was inside.  Yes, so needless to say I was a little worried about meeting them.  mandy said I had nothing to worry about, because Alan is always super nice around her mother - and it was mandy’s mum’s house we were going to.  So we got there and Will and Alan had gone out to do some shopping - thank God, bought me some time.  I dragged my bag inside which contained Mandy’s present.  She got John and I both a drink and I handed her my first present, which was the Robin Williams CD - his live 2002 tour.  She really liked that, and then I hesitated before giving her the real present - the one from both me and Johnny.  I handed the bag to her - she removed the wrapping on top, and looked inside and burst out laughing.  Right at that moment John and I did too.  She goes, ‘you bastards!’ whilst laughing her head off.  Anyone who’s read a previous entry will know what it was haha.  An inflatable cushion with a 6’ vibrator in the middle of it.  She’s vowed to get us back one day. :D  Will and Alan arrived home and I had a bried look at what they looked like.  Will was actually better looking than I’d anticipated, and had dyed-blonde spikey hair - he’s in his 30’s somewhere I think, and Ala’s in his 50’s I think.  I think Will is with him because he’s too scared to leave haha.  Poor guy.  Mandy had to go to the bottlo and get some grog so I went with her - as I was a bit scared of being alone with Alan and Will, having just met them - not sure how much John could protect me haha.  We got to the bottlo and I was perving on a hot guy in the car behind us, and as he went to the counter (shirtless - this was the coast afterall) he was showing a little butt-crack - it was so cute - haha I know that’s weird, but it was hot - he had a great upper tanned body and the ass was as well you know.  Anyway, Mandy had a good perve too, and told me a few stories how she’d seen a few guys naked and stuff whilst there, and that they’d gone down to the beach the night before and accidently interrupted a couple having sex in the darkness.  Whoops she said haha.  We got back and all sat around the table outside.  I grew slightly more comfortable and sat next to John and Mandy’s mum - WIll was opposite and Alan next to John at the end of the table.  We just chatted about a whole heap of nothing and laughed at Jayden (Mandy’s other kid) and Alex fighting each other with the water pistols.  Jayden kept wanting to play dinosaurs and sharks with me - seemed i was the only one who would play them with him!  He did that for ages until I got sick of it.  it was cute though, but I was just so self conscious with Will and Alan watching me.  haha.  Anyway I decided that I was going to catch the train back with John, and he convinced me to come to his church with him, as Rebecca St James was playing that night.  I said goodbye to Mandy and Will and Alan and kissed her mum goodbye, and mandy drove John and I to the shopping centre to catch a bus back to the train station.  We decided to catch the 1:50pm bus cos the only one after that was about 4:50pm and we’d miss the concert.  It was a long trip back and I took a few random photos, as I’d brought my camera this time - my new one :)Johnny</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">beautiful coastline at Caloundra</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">these pictures were taken from a fast moving bus so I had to be quick</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">We caught the train, and luckily this time there was a connecting Caboolture train straight away back to the city.  We went right past my station that i live right next to, as I was going to John’s church.  This guy got on at one station who looked so familiar.  He was definitely gay and I was sure I knew him.  It was either my ex-friend Dorian or my friend Beau.  I’m pretty sure it was Dorian.  I said to John that if he gets off at Brunswick street, it’s definitely him.  We got off at Brunswick street and sure enough, he did too.  I knew it.  It’s like the whole trip back we kept stealing glances at each other, like we knew each other but hadn’t seen each in a long time.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">We caught the bus to John’s house and John drove his work-van to church.  I was so excited to see Rebecca St James, as I’d previously seen her perform at </font><font color="#99ffcc">AGMF</font><font color="#99ffcc"> (Australian Gospel Music Festival) and loved her!  The church carpark was choc-a-bloc, seriously, and John said it was never usually this packed.  Rebecca St. James has won a grammy award a few years back, and is probably one of Australia’s most famous Christian music artists, and she’s from right here in Brisbane.  Her hometown.  This time though, she only had a keyboard and a guitar as backup instruments, and she apologised to everyone expecting there to be a big band and lights.  I was so hoping she’d perform ‘Expressions Of Your Love" - which is my favourite song by her, but she didn’t.  She stuck to a few Christmas songs, and sang her version of ‘Hark The Herold Angels Sing" - which was absolutely beautiful I must say.  I tried to get a few shots of her but there were so many people in the way.Picture of her on the screen</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Rebecca St. James - zoomed view</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">She informed us that Disney had asked her to write and record one of the songs for the upcoming movie: "The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" - and she performed that song for us.  It blew me away, and in the background while she played the song, were clips from the movie and Disney had given her the rights to show.  It was timed so well with the song and the song she performed was entitled, "Lion".  What a voice is all I can say, and after seeing some of it, I really wanna go and see the movie now.  Can’t wait for it to come out!That's Rebecca St. James </font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Monday, December 19th</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Monday morning I actually had time to do my washing and I did my grocery shopping whilst it was on it’s cycle.  I knew I had plans for today too, so was rushing around.  I’d already felt bad cos I had to say no to a kind invitation from Billy to go out on the Saturday night to a pub crawl with him and Shaun.  Not sure how many people ended up going.  I brought my stuff home, the cycle was finished, so I threw my stuff away and hung my washing out.  I then changed into some decent clothes after showering and caught the train into the city to meet up with my friend Lindsay for coffee.  It was really good to see him and he found my wandering around Border’s in the city.  As soon as he saw me in my jeans and green shirt and said, "My God, you really have turned into a raving queen, haven’t you?" Haha, smart ass.  I said, ‘hey! what’s wrong with this?"  He just likes paying me out.  I really wanna do through with my drag thing at next years pride, as long as I have a confidence stretch, I think I’ll be able to go it.  A few friends have threatened to de-friend me if I do it, but Scott’s behind me all the way.  He can’t wait haha.  Of course I’m afraid of getting killed, and I don’t know the first thing about doing drag but hey maybe I’ll just go as a really obvious guy in a dress or something hahaha.  Enough to freak out the crowds and cause contraversy on the news hey?  Wouldn’t that be funny if my parents were watching tv and saw me?  Omg, they’d like die haha.  It’s all in fun though. I’m no damn drag queen haha.  Who knows, I’ll probably most certainly wimp out anyway :)</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Lindsay and I went to the Shingle Inn in the city - bloody $20 later and a piece of cake the size of a mini-muffin, we had our meals.  It was such a rip.  We ain’t going there again haha.  The two things I asked for they didn’t even have, despite them being a part of their menu.  Oh well, guess ya get that.  The girl behind the counter had no idea.  We then spent a lot of time looking in some of the 2nd hand book stores, and the politics and political science sections (BLEH) - that’s Lindsay’s interests for ya though.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">After saying goodbye to lindsay I ran up to Officeworks, and waited for Scotty to finish work.  I was going to the movies with him cos he wanted to see Harry Potter with someone, and no-one wanted to or had already seen it.  I’d already seen it too, but didn’t mind seeing it again.  I looked through the front door, as they had closed trade for the day, and eventaully saw Scott running around finishing up - he looked so cute in his uniform.  If only I had my camera then haha.  I waited outside for him for a while and he came out.  We went straight to the Myer centre where he presented his vouchers and we got in for free.  He reckons his work gave them to him for hard work.  Nice one!  We just bought drinks and went in.  We spent ages trying to decide where to sit.  Scott wanted a decent view from the back, and preferably privacy so he could be a naughty boy.  Haha.  Unfortunately for him a couple decided to sit in the seats across from us.  Didn’t stop him from feeling my feet and legs up all during the movie, and occasionally trying to grab my crotch.  I was laughing so much, yelling ‘Grab your own damn crotch!’ - musta been interesting eavesdropping to the other people in the audience haha.  he was fun to hang out with, and i picked up on a few things in the movie I’d missed the first time.  After the movie we ran to the train station to catch our trains home.  I only had to go home cos Luke wanted to play tennis.  I hugged Scotty goodbye and boarded my train.  Mind you this is like 10:15pm, so I got home after 11pm and Luke picked me up like 1 minute later.  I had time to grab my racquet and tennis balls, and not even change.  I was on my way out again.  We went out to Jacquelin’s place, one of his friends, who owns a tennis court, which we can use anytime we want to.  It’s really sweet of her to let us use it.  Her place is amazing - the house and yard and all - just the location - it’s like 20 minutes out of the central city/suburbian area.  It’s great, we played tennis for about 2 or 3 hours until like 3am, and didn’t have to worry about neighbours hearing us.  Luke took off his shirt cos he got too hot at one stage, so that distracted my game a little.  I’ll blame that on some of my bad shots I played anyway :)</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Luke drove me home and opted to stay at my place that night, as it was easier for him to get to work the next day.  He musta let himself out cos he was gone when I woke up.  Nev had a go at me about the doors being unlocked, but exactly how is Luke suppose to lock them when he has my key?  He had to unlock the door, run upstairs to give me my keys back, and leave.  He couldn’t lock the fucking door.  Nev then had the nerve to ask me if Luke had a set of keys.  God he’s such a nosey bastard.  No wonder I’m stressing out.  I think it’s where I live that’s causing most of it.  I went to Luke’s last night (Tues) to watch Family Guy, and i burst into tears when we went to bed.  I think it was over everything getting to me, but I couldn’t describe to Luke why I was crying.  He just knew I didn’t want to be there, but I forced myself to stay.  He’s been good to me.  I dunno how he puts up with it though.  I must be a tough one to figure out if i can’t even do it myself :)</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Anyway, sorry bout the huge entry.  I’ve missed heaps but I just had to jot down what’s happened.  I think I’ve got a vague idea of what some of my New Years Resolutions are;</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">1/  Eat Healthier</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">2/ Exercise More - try to make myself not look so much like a rake, but somewhere where I’m happy with how I look.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">3/ Be A Better Friend</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">4/ Be less Anxious and find a way to be less stressed - it’s what’s holding me back on life and making me sick.</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">5/ Live life, be me, not give a crap - see how open this diary is - I’m halfway there. :)</font>

<font color="#99ffcc">Love you guys</font>

Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------

i think number 5 is the best resolution! hope u have a wonderful christmas and u get everything u want. have fun and be good. ttyl
alex [sparky101] 12/21/2005 10:50:11 AM

Those are excellent resolutions. you’ve inspired me to do an entry about mine, hehe, =)

merry christmas and all that in advance! drink lots of water, too, i hear it’s… warm there, :) [Nesstwy.] [p] 12/21/2005 11:36:51 AM

Hey this was a great entry! I would love to come to Australia one day, your pictures make it look so beautiful! [USCGrad94] 12/21/2005 12:04:33 PM

ok.. couple of questions…

what was in the package? You said you were going to open later.. but never said what it was…

I love Rebecca st. James. She performed at my first college and Ive loved her ever since.

Your right… some of the stuff you were talking about confused the hell out of me.

:)- Your american friend. [fries] 12/21/2005 12:19:19 PM

Good resolutions. Ugh. I should make some of my own. [Rachel Erin] 12/21/2005 1:43:18 PM

I think you have already done most of what you what you are attempting to achieve. I think you are a very good friend and you look fine so stop worrying!
Glad you are havibg a busy and fullfilling life, bud.
Happy Wednesday. [pizzaguy184] 12/21/2005 3:20:39 PM

hugs back thanks hun..

nice pics by the way

have a gay day :P [ithinkimhalfgay] 12/21/2005 3:35:34 PM

Love your pictures! I was wondering about that birthday present too. What was in it? I would’ve loved to see Mandy’s face when she saw the “real” present. LOL! Sounds like you had a great weekend! Happy Christmas and Happy new year! [broken.wings.] 12/21/2005 3:42:08 PM

narnia’s not out there yet? i saw it here and it ROCKED!!! glad the concert was good. you have an excellent memory, BTW! (compared to me, anyway!) [LegallyGay80] 12/21/2005 3:43:40 PM

Holy shiznit. LONG entry :o) But I read it all :o) [Ezra_Medic] 12/21/2005 6:27:19 PM

Hey I like all of your New Years resolutions. So far I haven’t made any so maybe I should. Matt I seriously wanna wish you all the best at Christmas and throughout the coming year. I’m many, many miles away from you but I honestly consider you a very dear friend and buddy.

Love ya Matt................God Bless!!

Ben [Taste The Rain Bow] 12/21/2005 6:46:11 PM

RYN Thanks I thought so too [rainbow_divine] 12/21/2005 7:14:46 PM

I’m always terrible at resolutions. All the best of luck to you, man. you’re going to need it. Good intentions are what fuel the evil of the world, my friend… [yellow_bull] 12/22/2005 1:59:49 AM


Last updated October 12, 2014

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