Feeling crushed in Just me!

  • Aug. 30, 2014, 2:44 a.m.
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I still receive the email version of the newsletter from the church where I worked and belonged. It hinted at an announcement about the youth and children’s position coming in the next week. It made me sick at my stomach. I know I’m going to be crushed by the announcement, no matter who it is.

crystal butterfly August 30, 2014

motherofthree August 30, 2014

I know it will be hard, but you did what you could. Hopefully the new person will have more support than you did. Have a good weekend and try not to think about it. =^..^=

mysterymelody September 04, 2014

You are an amazing woman. I cant help but respect you!

hotjavy mysterymelody ⋅ September 05, 2014

Thank you so much! That is such a lovely thing to say.

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