Might this be a solution in keeping it postive

  • Aug. 25, 2014, 11:43 p.m.
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I live alone. I have no family close by - a cousin I like in CA, but that’s basically it. I have a few friends - two in NYC, two in CA.

I know that in my early 60’s I am probably strong for my age. But I will be getting older. And less strong.

So, the thought is.... should I investigate assisted living situations? Or senior communities. A place where I can have everything I need nearby… and not feel as if I am leeching off friends to go somewhere or do something.

I would like a place where lifelong learning is the most important goal. Not sports, but exercise, yes. Activities, but nothing one HAS to do. Compatible people. Might that be a dream “retirement”.

It would have to be when I no longer work.

Would I want to move out of NYC? I am getting tired of no elevator service - three times this summer; no hot water - fairly regularly as it’s an old building and they’re constantly working on the plumbing. But NYC is the capital of the world in my eyes.

I started to look into one companies sites - $11,000 a month! But that’s in NYC. Don’t know.. just started thinking this way.

ODSago August 25, 2014

I think that's a wonderful choice, and here I know quite a few people choosing to live in assisted living facilities. They are happy for the reasons you mentioned thinking that it might be good for you. I assume you know that universities in some areas have assisted living facilities on or near campus for the enrichment that people will obtain from exposure and support from the university. University of Fl has one for years, and here UCF has purchased land to build one, and is planning such wonderful opportunities. One thing more: if you find a place where you think that in the future you could live, here you can make a down payment of (in one I know) 1000, and no matter how long before you find you are ready to enter the facility that's all the entry fee you can be charged. From what I know of you here, I think you'd love that kind of facility for later in life.

Darcy0207 from OD ODSago ⋅ August 26, 2014

I remember reading an article in the AARP magazine about retirement communities in university areas. I don't take as much advantage of NYC that I "could", maybe if it's part and parcel of where I live. I think it's a possibility for an uncertain future...

RosesAreRed August 29, 2014

Independent Living Communities are much cheaper in Texas.. 😊

Darcy0207 from OD RosesAreRed ⋅ August 29, 2014

hmm - worth a look. I think Austin would be more to my liking - university, high percentage of democrats... LOL

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