old me curse in 2014

Revised: 08/16/2014 11:07 p.m.

  • June 4, 2014, 2 a.m.
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So apparently I made a mistake a month, or two, ago by not deleting Ck's message off the answering machine at work. =\ I had to call in today to see what the heck J wanted with his printers and since I don't know the code to skip messages, I had to go through all of them to get to the one I needed. That was fun. Because like it's not bad enough that I haven't been able to stop thinking about him [every thing is a reminder for something!] but now it's even more prevalent in my brain because I'm hearing his voice.

Way to go old me. I made this weird.

I'm up in Seattle, if that wasn't obvious. We left home early Saturday, spent the night in Oregon, and hung out with the uncle and family on Sunday. Then Ryan drove me back up here with him and it's mostly been sitting around while he works since then.

I don't mind that much. He's working from home so we watch a bunch of videos. I still haven't contacted Marie, but I will soon. It's hard dividing my time. I figure she won't want to do much what with being about to pop and all. We'll see.

It's kind of late to be typing. One of the boys is doing laundry where I sleep and I don't want to go in there and wait. There is too much 'awkward' when they just walk in. I'll probably have to since Ryan's getting ready for bed and has work early tomorrow morning.

We have plans to do a couple things this weekend and maybe more next week. I'm sure I'll do more updating later. Of course I just have all this CK stuff I needed to get out of my head. It tends to help ever so slightly when I type it out. After this many days without a word from him you'd think it would be easier to let go.

I'm so horrible at letting go.


Last updated August 16, 2014

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