bragging rights in 2014

Revised: 08/16/2014 10:58 p.m.

  • May 29, 2014, 2 a.m.
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I've been staying up later and later these days. No real reason. Just not really having anything to wake up for, I guess. Although I have been waking up earlier than normal this week due to unplanned cable guys and fence working.

Today was an interesting day:

I was outside washing clothes in the sink when I turned around to find a dead mouse on the cement. I'd been out there a while and I'm really surprised it took me so long to notice it. I called Mom to show her what, I assume, her friends the cats must have left for her. It's not the first one, but man it was gross.

Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without my mother. I probably would have let it sit there and rot because I'm an avoider like that. It had been mutilated though. Like half its body was in one location and the rest in another. Its tail was completely separate from the rest of it. And there was a section of what looked like its insides just hanging out next to the top half of him. No joke. When Mom picked it up it sorta split apart and I'm sure I would have thrown up if I hadn't looked away. All its insides all exposed like that. Ugh. So gross.

Right around this time is when I also decided that if I ever, by some miracle, get to live in my house in the country I'm totally going to need some fearless person to live with me. Either that or all my animals are just going to turn into pets and I'll never actually be able to eat any of them to sustain myself. Ah well. I can still do eggs and milk and those are the best things. I've lived without meat before. hah.

Also today, my neighbor's getting his roof re-done. It seems to be that season for a lot of the houses around here. The 30 year warranties are up. ha. And usually the guys working on these things are old men. But not this one! I looked out the window, or maybe it was when I was outside, to spot a young man with his shirt off. He's lean, and tall, and kind of beautiful from far away. And he was doing this thing where he was lifting a jug of water over his head and drinking from it. You know, like in the movies. Only the movies usually involve women doing this, so this was so much better! I've got to figure out what company he's a part of. Too bad we've already had a roof done. It'll be a shame when they finish. I've still got my fingers crossed that they'll move slow enough to stick around until next week.

Although, I guess that doesn't make much difference since I'll be out of town and enjoying Seattle. Maybe he can come back for touch ups in about two weeks? That sounds like a good plan to me!!

I spent the afternoon trying to get everything done at the office before I leave. I had my part-time job stuff to take care of and sent out some e-mails for that. Turns out a friend, who also has an office about an hour away, needed some desperate help with her computers. I've sorta become her tech through default so Mom helped convince me to go see what I could do.

Normally I don't like to take trips out there for nothing. Plus we had to leave after 6 so I knew it was going to be late. But dudes! I fixed the issues. She had originally misunderstood and thought we were going tomorrow so we had to wait for her to drive back into town. Then she said she just wanted me to make sure the computers had been run through an office setup. As I was doing this she also mentioned issues connecting to a network printer.

I thought I'd poke around and see what I could do. It took a ton of troubleshooting. Apparently three other guys in her office had tried to fix it, plus company tech support, and the printer guy was going to charge her over a hundred dollars to take a look. I was actually quite frustrated with it. It was getting late [after 8 o'clock already] and I was about to call it quits and do some research at home later. Then I tried one last thing, ran to the server to check the connection, and BAM -- Printed paper!

I added the printer to one other computer and she was saying she'd do the rest herself later, but I told her we might as well get them done now. Good thing I did! because her computer was totally screwed up. I was all bummed too because I thought I was going to get some major bragging rights. After more fussing and troubleshooting I was finally able to figure out that her computer had the wrong name. Two computers with the same number so that's why I wasn't able to connect. Fixed that, restarted everything, got her hooked up to the printer and success!

Honestly, I'm pretty damn proud of myself. She offered to take me to dinner but it was late already and we still had to drive home. I told her to make it up to me later. And I totally do get those bragging rights, especially over the boys! Maybe this'll help my reputation. Right now I'm basically known as the girl who drank too much at the work convention with her daughter. haha!

I'm glad I got it all worked out before I left town. Hopefully those silly boys won't screw it up. I swear the company should hire me to work from home. I'm kind of hoping to run into some of those tech guys from last time and maybe, very modestly, brag about my accomplishments. Or at least get Evelyn to do it for me. =)

Seattle will be a nice break after all this. Pretty much everything is ready to go. I just have to clean out the car, make food, and pack my bags. All kind of important steps. haha. I'm looking forward to it though. Time with my crazy brother and hopefully Marie. I joked with her via FB yesterday about watching SYTYCD together. She asked me to come over and I said I wished I could but to come over here instead because I have an extra couch. Then today I got a text from Jared and we joked about my going over. If I get the opportunity I'm going to text her next week about going over to watch the show and hang out. hehe. I love surprising her like that!

Also, I totally know this entry is long enough already, but I noticed today that I've been thinking less and less about CK lately. It could have something to do with not having spoken to him in about a month, and not having seen him in longer than that. It does make sense that not seeing someone sorta helps to pull them out of your constant thoughts.

I mean, he's still there. I still think about him whenever I get a new text message. I still wonder whenever I hear a loud truck drive by. I still think about how he's so wrong, and yet right, for me. At least to be friends.

Even Mom brought him up tonight. We were talking about some red-haired guy on TV and she goes, "I haven't heard anything about CK in a while." I told her that I haven't seen him around either. And we talked about how he used to go by the office a lot, but maybe it's because we're only open two days a week now. She said she was going to start opening every day of the week just so she could see him. haha.

Then we joked about his hole-y pants and I mentioned how he doesn't like to waste things. She said we'd be perfect together. Become super rich with our [lack of] spending habits. I tried to steer her away slightly and tell her that I love to save but I also like to enjoy going out sometimes. And I wasn't sure if he was like that too, or he was the kind of person who pinched pennies and would never enjoy it. She said it gave her more reason to open every day. When I said she could do that while I was gone, she said that was fine because without me around she could ask him all these questions straight up. Wouldn't have to worry about me getting embarrassed. haha.

That mother of mine...

I think maybe she was fishing to see what I'd heard. But this time I could honestly say that I hadn't spoken to him, so oh well. That's just the way life has worked out these days. I'm slowly learning to accept that.

Bed time now. Oh! what a wonderful world this is! I went to do all this free work for my friend and I came home to a fixed television. One that hasn't worked in more than a week! Isn't that amazing? Instant karma!


Last updated August 16, 2014

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