Have You Noticed... in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/28/2023 8:24 a.m.

  • May 28, 2023, 2 a.m.
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Over the years that the whole family doesn’t see each other much? And those Sunday dinners at grandmas is just no more? And the birthday celebrations are not that great any more because people are just too busy.
When was the last time the whole family was actually in one room at the same time? How many years ago was that?
I don’t think I have seen any of my cousins in the last 20 years and some of them I have never met. But then I never really did like my cousins because I always thought they were stuck up and snobby and they
think they are better then everyone. And I don’t like that.
But the family I do see or even talk to I am finding I don’t have much in common and the only time I really talk to them is to ask how they are. But the one person I do try to talk to the most is my mom and dad.
But the only time really that the whole family does get to gether is when someone dies and then that is not for very long.
When was the last time you saw both sides of your family? What was the occassion? The last time I saw most of my family was when my grandparents died and that was not what I thought it would be like because they were mostly crying and really sad.

Onto something else…

So today is Sunday and no we are not going to chrich or any other religious place. I haven’t been since I was 16 and I have no desire to go. Do you go to a religious place every weekend? And do you actually give 10% of your income to the church everytime you go?
In the jewish religion we help pay for the building and things once a year and then they don’t have to worry if they will be making the expenses or not. I don’t like the idea of going to a place of worship and being expected to pay something and if I don’t for whatever reason I feel like I don’t belong and others will know and I don’t like that.

Onto something else....

Dinner tonight I am thinkoing turkey drumsticks just for something different. I need to figure out how to do them in the airfryer and with it I am thinking some noodles and maybe carrots.
Well, I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated May 28, 2023

theKat May 28, 2023

people's lives are busier... it is sad but each kid is in sports, dance, school activities... and when you get to our age we just want to relax more

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2023

And if you have to choose between staying home and watching cartoons and having that quality time together...I would much rather that then saty home then to get all dressed up in uncomfortable clothes that I hate to pretend to impress people I don't even know.

Purple Dawn May 29, 2023

I don't see many of my cousins for years at a time but we manage to pick up where we left off. It's harder now that my parents are gone, I sometimes feel that I am the one supposed to be holding people together. We do have a family reunion being organized for next year but that is just for my Mom's relatives.
Saturday would be the day both of us would go if I followed the way I was raised :)

Jodie Purple Dawn ⋅ May 29, 2023

My family has no get togethers anymore. it was really nice when someone had a big birthday milestone but all those have died or just got too old to travle.

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