Mr. Bankston...again. in QUOTIDIEN

  • Aug. 5, 2014, 11:18 p.m.
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Alright! Turns out, I'm imperfect. I am. I am quick to judge.

So, Sunday afternoon, I received a phone call from my friend, asking if I would go out with him that evening. I was in the middle of looking at an apartment because...oh yeah...THE HOUSE SOLD! CASH BUYER!! WE CLOSE ON AUGUST 15, AND THEY want to take possession on AUGUST 15!!!

Today, btw, we received word that we've been accepted to this little, 900 sq ft apartment.

Back to Mr. Bankston. He called back later that evening, and we met up at Longhorn. 90 minutes of easy talk, a lot of explaining on his part - all of which was perfectly reasonable, and some details about my expectations...and his. Last week, he worked 80 hours, split shift on a few of those days. Calling or planning on anything when you're that exhausted isn't first on the list of things to do. I get that.

Conservative comment? He asked if I'd looked in a mirror - how I do not look like the person I actually am inside. I have to agree. I have a church mom look. He knew there was more - but just not how much more there was. As he stated time and again, he wanted to get to know me.

The waitress came back three times before we were ready to order, we were so busy gabbing. It was all just so easy and comfortable.

After the meal, he walked me to his car, I drove him to his. He asked me for a hug, and we kissed. It was just a smidge more than a chaste kiss - and amazing.

I miss my husband. What's more, however, is that it is compounded by the complete lack of physical contact. I'm not talking about sex, though that's going to come up, eventually. What I mean is the casual touching. The brushing against one another as we pass by through the utility room. The hand at the small of my back to usher me into a room. The protective arm about the shoulder - or thrown against my chest when he hits the breaks. The warmth of his breath on my cheek as he reached past to pick up his drink. Holding my hand on a long walk (I love walking in the woods). It's the stuff you don't think about when you're married - but there is so much communication that is lost when touch is gone. And - let's face it, I'm a talker.

My sister insists that I need to embrace being alone. "Embrace it - don't run from it."

Here's the thing. Why should I have to embrace the things that hurt if I have other options? I fully intend to maintain my independence. My apartment, my bills, my daughter, my cats. I'm not seeking to pull a man into the space left by my husband. But neither am I going to stand in this now ill-fitting mold. I am reaching up and outside of this place, and there is no reason on God's green earth, that I should have to do it alone and without the intimacy of touch..even casual or maybe even just a smidge more than chaste?

He isn't the cad I thought he was. I'm glad of it.

NorthernSeeker August 06, 2014

So...I guess I have to take back my "pox on Mr. B" comment...for now. Should he require cursing in the future, please let me know and I will help out.

motherofthree August 06, 2014

Glad you had a good time with Mr. B. :) =^..^=

GypsyWynd August 06, 2014

There's no reason why you should 'have' to do it alone. I'm glad things are better with Mr. B. And congratulations on selling the house!!

mcbee August 06, 2014

Good news on your house selling! As to the need for another man in your one else can judge that, it's a pretty basic human need.

Noodlebugs! August 06, 2014

Way back in the good ol days, I had been in a 3 yr relationship, and then an immediate 4 yr relationship and saw none of the days when most young people sow their wild oats and "find themselves". I'd basically gone from my parents home to being sort of "married", from a relationship stand point. I'd never really been alone, emotionally anyway. When that 4 yr relationship ended, I found myself alone for the first time. It was uncertain, and a bit of a thrill. I told myself that I was going to enjoy this time for a while and not get too serious about anyone. And then along came Keith, who swept me off my feet. I even tried to tell him of my plan--he was in full agreement and said he was more than willing to wait until I was ready. Psssht...guess how fast I became ready??

I just think that we can't really decide what we want to do with ourselves emotionally. Sometimes we don't want to be alone, but we are (sadly). Sometimes we want to be alone, and don't end up that way either. I think God thinks we are silly to worry about it, and he gives us who and what we needed when we really need it. So go with the flow! You are grounded and emotionally mature. Whatever comes down the pike, you're going to be just fine! :)

Pintador August 07, 2014

Don't you love it when you're wrong?! ;)

Deleted user November 16, 2014

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